[00:00:00] Welcome to this week’s episode of the If She Did It Podcast, I am freaking stoked, so stoked I can’t even contain myself. I’m just going to tell you, I just have to tell you all this is a huge week because the sixth cohort of the Abundant Business Academy is officially open for enrollment. And at the time of recording this episode, there are already five spots taken and there are only three VIP spots left. Oh, my goodness, I am so excited. This program is perfect for the newer entrepreneur. Either you are just getting started as a coach or service provider, which means you might have nothing. You might just know I’m a mindset coach or I’m a virtual assistant or I’m a social media manager or I’m a manifestation coach or whatever it is that you do, you might just know that’s all you are and you don’t know anything else. You’re perfect for this program. And if you’re a little bit further ahead, maybe you’ve gotten your feet wet, you’re giving things a try, but you’re feeling really confused and stuck and not sure how to make this a true business that is consistent and makes you income and impact and all the magical things. This program is also perfect for you. I am so freaking unbelievably excited for this program.
[00:01:17] I do want you to know I’m going to release an episode midway through this week on top of this episode to give you an inside scoop of everything that you can expect from the abundant resources economy. So keep your ears eyes out for that. Is that something that you’re interested in? But for today’s episode, we have one of my amazing past clients. She was in the Abundant Business Academy last summer. Her name is Stacy. She’s fucking phenomenal. I’m obsessed with her. And we recorded this episode actually a couple of months ago at this point. But I was saving it for the opening cart day of this summer’s launch of the Abundant Business Academy. So I’m so excited you are going to be in for such a treat. So get ready. You’re going to hear all about Stacy and her amazing business as a career coach and her experience within the Abundant Business Academy. So we are going to dive in. And if you’re like, I don’t even need to listen, I need to sign up already, the link to the sales page where you can get signed up and learn all about it, is going to be in the show notes. So with that, let’s dive in.
[00:02:20] Welcome to the If She Did It Podcast. I’m your host, Becky Feigin. A business coach for beginner online entrepreneurs. Consider this podcast your go-to guide for all things scaling your business to your first 10k months. Get ready to be inspired through marketing, mindset, spirituality, and the stories of successful frompreneures. I’m so excited to have you here. Now let’s dive in.
[00:02:45] Welcome to the podcast, Stacy. I am so excited to have you.
[00:02:49] Yeah, thanks for having me, Becky. I’m really excited to be here.
[00:02:53] So as I told you before, you said recording where you are going to dive right in and start by you introducing yourself to us, what you do, who you are, your story into entrepreneurship, and yeah, dive right in, girl.
[00:03:11] All right. So I as you know, I am a career coach and I started career coaching about a year ago, which is kind of crazy to think about because honestly feels like yesterday. And then, you know, I started putting up a few YouTube videos, started my Insta account. I was like, I have no idea what I’m doing. So I hired you and joined ABA last June. Yeah, it was last summer, which was actually an amazing choice on my part, just in so many different ways, because it was at this really weird point in my life when I knew I really wanted to take this business stuff seriously. And it was such a fulfilling outlet for me to not only creatively engage people on social media, but also to just like help people, you know. And a lot of people were struggling with covid and layoffs and just general job craziness. So I really like being the person who could help them through that. But, yeah, at the same time, I had these plans to go to grad school and I was sort of like, will I go to grad school? The business stuff is going well. So anyway, while in ABA, I made my first ever money in business. I launched for the first time my group program and made basically a 10K launch, which was really exciting.
[00:04:30] Excites me to hear!
[00:04:32] Certainly screaming still. Yeah, that was, you know, and that definitely wouldn’t have happened without you and all the ladies in ABA. And then grad school started literally right after that launch. So I was going through this group program, doing grad school being like this is a lot. So that went well. And, you know, I still keep in contact with those people. And then basically right after that ended, I got contacted from my alma mater, my old university from where I graduated and they saw my stuff and I had done career coaching and they were like, we’re actually looking for a career coach, do you want to, like, interview? And I was like, sure, I guess so. I did that. And that’s actually where I’m working now, full-time as a career counselor. And I still have plans for my business. Like, I definitely don’t plan on just dropping that, especially after I graduate and have more time. But it’s just been such a wild ride. And honestly, none of this would have happened if I hadn’t just randomly decided to start a YouTube channel, start a business and hire Becky.
[00:05:34] Oh, my gosh. Don’t give me so much credit. This is you.
[00:05:38] Serious, OK? It’s like a lot of things, but you’re definitely one of the main parts for sure.
[00:05:44] I will take that and honor that. OK, so as you know, I’m going to ask you some questions about ABA. But before I do that, I’ve mentioned this before we started recording. But I just want to point out and kind of chat for a minute about like I just think it’s such a cool just like such a cool journey that you’ve been on that just like you said before we started recording. It’s the opposite of what most entrepreneurs do. So usually it’s like you start the business, your business goes well, you quit the job, whereas you were like, I’m going to start the business. You did quit a job, though. You’re working at a restaurant. You quit that job. I did. You started the business. You went to grad school, and then you got this job that you never even thought that you were necessarily going to want to do. I’m speaking for you right now, but you already said this to me. And then you ended up getting a job as a career coach. And I feel like it’s such like I was saying to you, like such a funny I’m trying to think of, like, a word that’s not coming to me. So whatever. I won’t sound as smart and I want to right now. But it’s such a funny experience, that or journey that you, as the career coach got reached out to for a job like I feel like it fits so well, like it makes sense, you know.
[00:07:03] Like it’s proof that maybe I sort of know what I’m doing and all the stuff that I preach to my clients actually might work. Yeah.
[00:07:12] Yeah. I mean you 100% know what you’re doing. But yes, absolutely. And I think it brings up a good point that you like jokingly kind of said before as well that like if somebody, you know, has some like yearning to be an entrepreneur, but maybe doesn’t want to do it full time they can start their business, maybe they’re out of a job, they can start a business, build up their own experience and use that to get a full-time job and then do their business on the side if they so choose.
[00:07:44] Exactly. No, that’s exactly right. And that’s something that comes up a lot with my clients and my students, it’s like I don’t have any experience. So how do I get a job? Because they require like a year or two of experience in the thing. And it’s like that chicken and the egg problem where you’re just stuck. And I’m like if you can’t if you can only get jobs that are not in your field that are like what I was doing a restaurant job or something, where you’re just like, I don’t really want to be doing this for longer than a few months. You can literally just make your own experience by creating content, like that is definitely possible. You just have to think about what it is that you want to be doing and then prove that you sort of know what you’re doing with that.
[00:08:25] Mm hmm. And I feel like in some ways I know in some situations like having an internship is a requirement to graduate. But when it’s not, in some ways starting your own thing could be more beneficial than doing a free internship. And so many internships still are not paid. So it’s like another outlet as well.
[00:08:45] Yeah, for sure. That’s exactly right. Because if I wasn’t getting paid, that was the other piece too. Like you love what you’re doing, but you’re also able to support yourself and be financially compensated for it. That’s why I was so drawn to coaching and so just really invested in making it successful because I knew that the rewards would be not only, you know, working with my clients, but also the monetary piece, too.
[00:09:10] So I just think it’s like I just love that. Like, OK, you guys, just for a little quick back story. So Stacy, as she mentioned, she started grad school at the same time. She was starting the first round of her group program and like all these things were going on and she ended up stepping back from social media. So I’m over here like, where’s Stacy? Because you guys, I loved watching Stacy’s content. She always just like was so valuable, but also just like always cracked me up. And I was like, what is Stacy? And every couple of months she would like, show back up on Instagram, like shoot me a DM, like still alive. Like not actually what she would say, but I’d be like, this is good. But I was like, I wonder what she’s up to. Like I guess, you know, in my head I was like, I bet grad school kind of like consumed her and she’ll be back like after she graduates and then to hear that. I don’t know why I’m still talking about the person I can talk to you right here, but to hear that you, like, got contacted and are doing what you love while in grad school, but like in a way where you don’t have to stress about making the sales and, like, doing all the marketing while you’re also trying to, like, get a degree, like you just get to go to work and do this, do what you love, which is I think so cool.
[00:10:24] Anyway, so I just wanted to make sure that little backstory, because that’s why I’m bringing this up, you guys on this podcast, because I just think it’s so cool. But I digress. So let’s talk a little bit about your experience in ABA, and then we’re going to talk a little bit about you and your magic, because I feel like you take a really unique approach to career coaching. So talk to me. I guess you kind of already said a little bit about this, but what made you decide to join ABA, let’s say, because I know you said you want you know, you needed help, so you want to search for help. But what made you choose ABA?
[00:11:00] Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday. Like I said, it feels like no time has passed at all since I started ABA. But I remember just being on Instagram and looking up business coaches or whatever the word was. And I remember just seeing your tagline and it said Business Coach for Beginners. And I was like, this is what I need because some people I don’t know, I feel like other coaches sometimes they have a lot of really valuable content, but it sort of implies that, like maybe you’ve had a couple of clients or their the service is kind of like all over the place. And I really just liked how, like, ABA was so clear, like it was just like this is what you need. And I was like, that’s completely right. This is what I need. So that was like the main thing. And then the other thing, too, was just like watching your content and seeing, like some of the other people that you’d worked with in the past. There’s just such a like a lightness, you know, and you kind of alluded to this, but I don’t really take myself super seriously. And career coaches, they tend to be like I mean, not to stereotype. This is obviously like a vast overgeneralization. But when you think of a career coach, you usually think of someone who was like an executive or something for like 20 years or like has 10 years of HR experience and is always just wearing a blazer and a super put together. And that’s not who I am whatsoever. Like, I am winging it just as much as anyone else is. And I have a pretty casual style. And you also had that, you know, kind of like casual, colorful, fun style. So I just really like that about you. And I was like, I’m going to, you know, hit up Becky, because why not?
[00:12:40] I love that you guys. It was also so fun to witness Stacy. And I find this happens a lot with my clients that we’re going you especially in ABA, it’s like that beginning stage. It was so fun witnessing you, like, get more comfortable with just being who you really are online. Like, I remember when you applied and we were DMing your photo on Instagram was like a cover like like a book. I had like a headshot I remember. And then a couple of weeks into working together, you started posting photos of you doing kind of like yoga poses on your feet. And it was like that, I think, of your profile. I thought it was like you. I like your hair was kind of flowing in the wind. And I was like, yes, this is the Stacy we know and love. And it was just so fun to witness. So I find that that’s something that happens a lot in your first couple months in business, but especially when you have the support to show up that way is you just like step into yourself. And that was so fun to witness. So I love when I interview clients on this because I love kind of like recognizing those little things as well.
[00:13:39] OK, so tell me, next question. What was your what were your like top three favorite parts about our top three favorite things, I guess about ABA.
[00:13:53] I mean I have to say the group calls because that was always like, I don’t know, I just loved our whole our group, you know, that that one time and everyone was just like super supportive and people would like to go out of their way to D.M. each other or like be supportive and just like, you know, give each other feedback when it was requested. And yeah, I don’t know, it was just a super like open space where I felt like I was learning alongside people. So when, you know, like Kristy or Tawny or someone would ask a question, I’d be like, I have that exact same question, you know, and be able to to learn from that. And then the other two things were probably the moduels because I feel like I learned a lot from those. And it was just really I liked how structured it was and how it was stripped out to that. It wasn’t super overwhelming, but it just felt nice to feel like I was constantly progressing and, like, learning something every week. And then the third thing I don’t know, I guess I would have to say my one on ones with you because I feel like that is what helps with, like, things when I got stuck or. When I was first planning the launch and I had no idea what to do and you were like, OK, this is what can kind of happen week by week, and then we can adjust it. And I feel like that just gave me a good foundation for the launch itself, because sometimes you need, like, that extra level of feedback and just like general guidance when it comes to something as huge as your first launch and you’re just like internally freaking out the whole time.
[00:15:23] Yeah, that was fun. Our one on one calls are alwyas fun. I was always like, yeah, I got a call with Stacy today. OK, what was your biggest takeaway from being an ABA? Not like transformation necessarily, but like the biggest takeaway from it. Hmm. Is that a hard question?
[00:15:42] A little bit. But it’s OK, I, I gotcha. So I think the biggest takeaway was probably the fact that you can really do anything you want when it comes to your business because I don’t know. I feel like before I enrolled in ABA, I had this idea of like there were rules and then you had to, like, follow the rules or you had to talk to someone who knew the rules and pay them a bunch of money and then you would know them. But it turns out that I mean, yes, there are a lot of fundamental things that people should know when it comes to, like, I don’t know how Instagram works or how to go about, like DMing clients, stuff like that. But aside from that, you can just sort of do whatever feels good to you, and that is what makes stuff work best in the end. So I think that was my biggest takeaway for sure.
[00:16:31] I love that. And that’s such a good point. It’s like you need this foundation, but once the foundation is built, the thing that makes every business so unique is your own twist to it. Like everybody is going to do things a little bit differently. And that’s how there are so many coaches in this world. That’s how there are so many business coaches, health coaches, career coaches, fitness coaches, et cetera, et cetera, because everybody does it a little different. You can hire like five business coaches, and even if you learn the same fundamentals, there’s going to be pieces of it that are a little bit different every time. I love that.
[00:17:05] OK, and then I guess and I keep saying I love that. What can I say? I’m just having so much fun right now. I love interviewing my clients. OK, and then two more questions, and then I want to talk I want you to share more about, like, your magic and I’m going ask some questions about that. So next question. I know you kind of said this when you were like sharing your story, but, what would you say was your biggest win? Yeah, what would you say was your biggest win being in ABA?
[00:17:38] I mean, the first thing that comes to mind is like the money piece, because as I mentioned earlier, I hadn’t really made any money whatsoever like prior to joining ABA, which is crazy because like I think a couple of weeks after I had made like my first few sales and I was like, oh, this is not as difficult as I thought it would be. But honestly, I think the the win that is in some ways like bigger than that. And I know this is kind of like a cliche or cheesy to say, but it kind of does make my heart like a little bit warm inside, you know, like the fact that I would get DM’s from people like either people that I’d known from like a long time ago. And they followed me or just random people who eventually became my clients or whatever, just saying that they felt really inspired by me and that they really, you know, just saw that I was being vulnerable and real. And they appreciated that, especially when it comes to jobs and stuff because everyone likes to act like they’re all making like six figures or whatever and just balling all the time. And I feel like talking about my own struggles with finding a job and career stuff kind of made it feel maybe made them feel like it was OK to be that way. So that was probably my biggest one. And kind of like you said, too, there was definitely this feeling of like I can be myself and not this like scripted version of me. So like learning all of that through ABA and kind of how to like structure a post and storytelling, you know, those things, having those foundations in place for what allowed the authenticity to shine through.
[00:19:12] I wanted to say I love that, but I’m not I just kind of said it, but I’m not going to do it for real. But I love. That’s a great answer. That’s great.
[00:19:21] There you go.
[00:19:23] But I can actually really relate to that. It’s there’s something really special about somebody reaching out and telling you that, like, your content is speaking to them or you inspired them. It’s like it’s just as great as getting to make the impact that comes with somebody hiring you. OK, last question. ABA related. If somebody is listening to this and they’re thinking about joining the Abundant Business Academy, what would you say to them?
[00:19:50] I would say you should do it and you honestly should have done it like three months ago or whatever the enrollment was. It’s OK. The next best time is now. And I would also say that I feel like everyone says this in ABA. Maybe it’s just like my perception, but everyone at the end of it is always like I wish I had used Becky, like, more, you know, in terms of just like bothering her and like asking her stuff. So I would say just like really just make the most of it and, you know, take notes, show up to all the calls, learn as much as you can, and just don’t take any of it for granted.
[00:20:30] Oh, that’s good. That’s good stuff. Don’t take any of it for granted, I think is some great advice. And also the taking advantage. That’s what I like literally on every call. Take advantage of me while you have me asking me the questions. That’s what you pay me for. Because it’s so true. It’s so true. And whenever I work with a coach, I find even if I have the dumbest question, even if I know the answer, I will still ask my coach. If I ask a question a couple of days, I’ll like send her a message or something. I’d be like, what would you say about this? Just like see what her brain thinks about the situation just because I have that. So thank you for all of that and for sharing your experience, because I think it’s so important for people to hear, not even just for them to decide if they want to work with me. But just in general, I think it’s really helpful to hear past clients experiences working with coaches, period. So thank you for sharing that.
[00:21:26] But before we completly end this episode, I have a few more questions because I want you to talk about your career coaching for a second, because I think that I remember when you shared your freebie that you were creating during ABA. I was like, she’s different. She does things different. Like, I like this because you’re right. Like, my thought of a typical career coach is somebody that’s very like, I guess corporatey. And you are not that at all. So. Can you kind of I guess let’s start with like can you kind of like share your approach to career coaching?
[00:22:04] Yeah, you’re right. It is. I try to be different because there is a bit of an I don’t know, just like negative sometimes, especially with the audience that I’m seeking to reach, which is like people who would call themselves creatives or like liberal arts students, humanities majors, things like that. There could be a negative perception of that more corporate feel. And I have nothing against people who have a corporate vibe or like take pride in working at a corporate place. Like that’s totally fine. And I see value in that. But I would personally say that my approach is very holistic in the sense that I really don’t think that you can effectively job search or really do anything in your career unless you are happy, unless you’re healthy unless you have like a just like a structure to support everything that you’re doing. Because I feel like a lot of career coaching. And this is like the main issue that I see with it is that it’s very like instructional and information-based. You probably see similar things with like the business coaching world to where it’s like do this, do that, fix your resume, apply to X number of jobs, have your LinkedIn looking like this, and then, you know, if you do that enough, you’ll have a job.
[00:23:20] And I feel like that’s just not that’s certainly a part of it. But it’s not the most important part. The most important part is making sure that you know what you want, that you’re not burning yourself out. Because let’s be honest, job searching sucks. And there’s a reason why all my clients around the 6th or so week. They come to me and they’re like, I am so stressed. Like, this is not fun because it’s not fun. And that’s what coaches are here for. They’re here to help you through that and make sure you don’t get lost in the depths of hell when you’re job searching. So I would just really say that my approach is really centered on making sure that people feel like they have someone who cares about them as a whole person and not just as like a, you know, a resume or a cover letter.
[00:24:05] Yeah, I think I think it’s so cool because as you know, in the entrepreneur space, it’s such a thing to, like, work on your mindset, work on your mental health, work on your physical health. The more mentally, essentially and physically well you are, the better you’re going to do, the more you can bring in like a manifest your goals, like that kind of stuff. And I feel like that’s really lacking in the corporate world and or just like the nine to five world, essentially, which is a shame because it’s such valuable stuff and you’re here like serving them all of that. And I love it. I think that’s fantastic.
[00:24:40] So since obviously, this is a podcast geared towards entrepreneurs, I’m curious if someone’s listening to this and they’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur or they’ve taken the steps to start, but they still can’t decide what they want, like. I guess my first question in that realm of speaking to that person is, first off, I find that a lot of times. Once you get into the entrepreneur space in any capacity, people and we touched on this a little bit of the episode, but if you come across the wrong accounts, they’re going it’s going to almost imply that, like, you suck and you’re not cool if you decide you don’t want to be an entrepreneur and like, you better quit your job and you better not apply for a job. You better just be an entrepreneur, which is like such B.S. So with that potential stigma that these people listening might be going through and seeing if they can’t decide, like, should I do entrepreneurship, should I go the career route, like I guess in that realm, what advice or feedback or tips would you provide to them to kind of help them, I guess, figure it out?
[00:25:57] Mm hmm. Yeah, I really love this question because I feel like it is something that a lot of beginning or budding entrepreneurs kind of have in their mind, whether they’re employed full time or they’re still in college or whatever it is. There’s this question of, OK, should I do this part-time or should I know? I had the exact same questions going through my mind when I started my business. So I completely relate to that. And I would say that it’s important just to start. Like if you feel the urge to create a business just in your mind all the time and you’re watching all the YouTube videos or watching all the content and you just sort of know that it’s something you want to try, there truly is no harm in just starting something and seeing what could happen. And then kind of as we talked about earlier if the side that you want to go into a nine to five or change your nine to five so that if it’s more along the lines of what your business is doing, kind of like what I ended up doing, you can definitely do that. And you can put your business on your resume like I have Stacy Jean LLC on my resume and my bullet points all talk about. I created this mindful career accelerator. I had this number of clients. I had this number of followers. Like it’s all not only just social media management related because I have those skills now, but coaching-related so that now when people look at my resume, it’s like an unofficial official thing. So I think that you don’t have to view it as a. What is it called when it’s like you have to go all in on something, there’s like a phrase for it?
[00:27:33] You’re asking the wrong girl. Haha.
[00:27:34] That all or nothing else is that you’re asking the wrong girl. I’m always messing up my words.
[00:27:40] Yes. All or nothing. That’s right. It doesn’t have to be like an all or nothing thing on your business. And that’s it’s totally fine to just have like, like five hours a week that you initially put towards it. Maybe you hire a coach, maybe you start to flush things out a bit more, and then you can always reevaluate and decide if you want to keep your nine to five, if you’re happy in it and just have your business sort of on the side as more of a creative outlet or you want to go full time. Like, that’s cool, too. But I totally agree. There’s sometimes the stigma against, like, doing both or have a “side hustle” because then it’s like you’re not a real entrepreneur or you’re not successful somehow. And I would say that’s definitely not true. And you should just do what makes you happy.
[00:28:25] Yeah, I completely agree with that. I think there’s just this. And the other thing is there’s also nothing wrong with not being an entrepreneur. I’ve seen a lot of we were talking how much I love Tiktok and I’ve seen a couple of tiktok. So people are like, what’s wrong with working a nine to five? Like, why is everybody talking trash? Like, the reality is we need people that want to work in corporate. We need people that want to work nine to five. Like there are companies that we need to like. We need phone companies, we need wi fi. We need like we need these things. We need food like hello. We do not everybody can be an entrepreneur. Not everybody wants to be an entrepreneur. So that’s so important. And the stigma just needs to chill. Like, if you want me, that’s great. If you don’t find it doesn’t matter, Gotta do what you love.
[00:29:15] OK, so another question for you would be. If someone’s listening and they’re like, I think I want to be an entrepreneur, but how do I actually identify what I want to do? What how do I actually identify what I want my career to be? What advice do you have for that?
[00:29:33] Ok, so this is for someone who’s thinking about starting a business, but they’re not really sure what they want their neich to be?
[00:29:40] Yes. And it’s also like just in general, they’re like I think it would be cool to start a business, but like, how do I even know if that’s really what I want? Like, how do I fully identify? What career path I want to go in, does that make sense?
[00:29:56] No. Yeah, that that does make sense because I had the same question. I was like, do I want to do career coaching or do I want to do, like, mindfulness coaching or meditation coaching? Like, my initial YouTube channel was actually a meditation channel. So that ended up that never even happened. I didn’t put anything out. But the reason why I ended up switching to career coaching, just to use myself as an example of this, is I thought about what I would say if I had to create weekly or biweekly content on that channel for meditation. And honestly, all of it just seemed super boring. I was like, I’m not going to like do guided meditations. Like, I don’t see myself doing that. And, you know, I saw a bigger need for someone like myself in the career coaching space and just being honest about that. So that’s why I ended up going in that direction. So to people in this situation, I would, one, ask yourself what you think would just be more fun, because that’s something that’s sometimes undervalued, where we’re always caught up in thinking, like, what’s going to make us money? What what’s the need? But at the end of the day, if you don’t feel good doing it, you’re not going to want to do it for that long. And then the second thing is, of course, seeing if there actually is like a void that you can fill in that space. So thinking about what you do differently. And like Becky talks a lot about this, like bringing yourself to the table, being authentic and using that to really shine through. So does that answer the question, like figuring out kind of OK, yeah. How do you want to do that?
[00:31:30] Yeah, I mean, that’s helpful. OK, so my final question. I think it’s going to maybe feel a little repetitive. However, I do ask this question at the end of every episode. So I want to ask you and if it’s too repetitive, you just say refer to pass answer.
[00:31:49] All right, I’m ready.
[00:31:50] But my final question. So somebody that’s listening to this podcast that is just getting started as an entrepreneur and knows they want to be an entrepreneur like they’re all in like they’re just getting started. They’re scared, but they know that’s what they want or they’re they know that that they want to be an entrepreneur, but they haven’t gotten started yet. They’re scared to put their foot in, but they know it’s a no. It’s what they want. They are clear on that. What advice would you want to give them?
[00:32:22] Honestly, just do and just share yourself with people. I feel like that’s what always allows me to connect with people. The best is when I literally look through old journal entries and things like that. And for ABA you’ll have like writing prompts just a little heads up. But things like that, like just looking through the things that I would think and the things that I would write when I was sort of where my client or my dream client would be and just share those things with people like you don’t have to create this like perfectly, I don’t know, structured brand or have like the right everything. You just need to start putting yourself out there and talking about the stuff you’ve been through, talking about what you did to change, and then just, you know, invite people to talk to you. And it’s really that simple because I feel like when you’re in that beginning stage of, like, desire, but not really having anything out there yet, it’s just easy to sit there and spin your wheels all day and not really, you know, do anything, just sort of have that same idea come up again and again. So just try to make something, try to put it out there, see what feedback you get. And yeah, just do it because I wish I had started months earlier if I’m being completely honest and I know everyone says that so that that’s how you know it’s true.
[00:33:44] I love that advice. I didn’t say I love that. I said I love them. Yes. Thank you so much, Stacy. I loved having you today. Yeah. Thank you, girl.
[00:33:54] Yeah, of course. Thanks for having me.
[00:33:57] Ok, like, isn’t she the best? Honestly, I don’t even know what to say other than isn’t she the freaking best. I hope that listening to Stacy’s story inspired you and helped you see what’s possible for you, what you can create for yourself by just taking a leap and taking a chance on yourself and your potential. So I was so excited to be able to share this episode with you.
[00:34:23] All this, especially the day that the cart opens for the Abundant Business Academy. I cannot wait to see who joins this round. It’s going to be so phenomenal. And seriously, there’s been so many magical upgrades and updates. So if you want the inside scoop on that and you can’t wait until Wednesday of this week when I upload the second episode of the week, that talks about all the inside scoop of the Abundant Business Academy and why it would be perfect for you, DM me on Instagram, I’m happy to share with you. Check out the sales page. It’s fucking phenomenal. I got an amazing copywriter to help me make it really great. Got it designed for me. I’m really excited about it. So I just really hope you enjoyed this. And if you did, I hope to see you in the Abundant Business Academy, it would mean the world to me. If you would leave a review for the podcast Five Stars, I’d appreciate it. And with that, I hope you have an amazing week and I’ll see you on this week’s midweek special bonus episode. And yeah, thank you for tuning in to the If She Did It Podcast.