Becky: [00:00:00] Welcome. Welcome back to the issue did it podcast. I am so excited to be back. I took an unplanned hiatus for personal reasons and at some point I would record an episode and share the journey I've been on with you guys. But today is not that day. I recorded some amazing guest episodes prior to taking this hiatus, and I'm so excited to bring those to you. So today, this episode, you are going to enjoy it so much. It is with my great friend Lex. I absolutely adore her. We actually connected through Tik Tok and she is such an amazing business owner and I cannot wait to share her and her magic with you all. So I don't want to waste your time. I just want to get right into it. But definitely stay tuned at the end of the episode because I have some exciting news I want to share with you, but I'm going to save it to the end, so don't miss out on that. But let's dive in. Welcome to the If She Did It podcast with your host, business coach and business bestie Becky Fagan. This is your one stop shop for all things business growth, energetic alignment, strategy, mindset, and a fun touch of spirituality. Nothing is off limits here, and you're bound to leave every single episode inspired, excited and ready to take massive action in your business. This podcast was created to help create more badass female CEOs and help you see that business gets to be simple, strategic and fun. Now let's dive in. Welcome to the podcast. Lex, I'm so excited to have you. Lex: [00:01:27] I'm so excited to be here. Becky: [00:01:29] Yay! Oc Let's dive right in. Why don't you introduce yourself, share who you are, what you do, how you got to where you are, and we'll go from there. Lex: [00:01:39] Cool. So, first of all, thank you for having me. I'm usually on the other end of these things on your side of things. So super different to be here. So hi, my name is Lex. I am the owner of Page Media Co. It's very common that people think my name is Page because of my business name, but it is in fact Lex. I currently live in Charleston, South Carolina, and that's primarily where I operate out of a lot of my clients are local to here, but I am super lucky enough to work with people all over the country, which is pretty crazy. I primarily offer social media management and video services. That's kind of where I'm at right now. I am definitely having some pivots come up very soon. But yeah, that's the most condensed version of myself. Becky: [00:02:30] That was so condensed. So I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself, because I think that well, I know that a lot of time my audience loves to hear the whole story, to get inspired as to what's possible for them. So how long have you had your business for and what got you started in your business in the first place? Lex: [00:02:52] Yeah, so I have officially been page media for about four years now, but I didn't go full time until about two years into that. So 2019, I took it full time, but I technically started in 2017, mostly because when I first started I it sounds so dumb. Like when I say it now, I didn't really realize what I was doing at the time. Could be a business which like so many people say and it's so crazy to me. Not that I like like hearing other people say that, but I'm like, okay, I'm not the only one. So really what happened with me, it was I have always enjoyed social media, even just like as a casual user. And I feel like a lot of people can say that. But what had happened was in 2017, a friend who had an Etsy shop had reached out to me and asked if I would help her with her social media, and she made that judgment just based off of how I was running my personal social media, like my personal Instagram account. And looking back now, I'm like, How did I have the time to be making these, like, crazy, cute stories every day and like, perfectly like, puzzle feeding, like my feed and all this stuff. Lex: [00:04:08] But that was kind of how it started. So she had reached out in 2017 asking if I would help. I said, yes, I did a lot with her for no pay, really. And then a couple of months into it, I got a little more confident with what I was doing. I felt more confident telling other people what I was doing and really word of mouth around Charleston, just like with different businesses and people and places, I was able to kind of jump in and officially take it full time. So again, I it's like the happiest accident that ever happened. It's been a crazy four years. Where I'm at right now is nothing like where I was when I started. So a lot has happened in that time frame that I'm excited to talk more about, if that's what you want to hear about. But yeah, that's kind of again, the condensed version. I'm like, I could talk about this forever, but that's like my elevator pitch version. Becky: [00:05:08] You're very good at the elevator pitch. I do want to hear more about like what's happened in the past two years since going full time. But because I'll forget if I don't ask this question now and talk about it now, something that you mentioned that I know we've kind of talked about is the fact that your first role essentially as a social media manager helping your friend, you did it for very little to no pay at the beginning. And I want to talk about that because I think that what what you said afterwards about the fact that, like the only reason that they reached out is because you were good at your own social media. You didn't actually have necessarily background in social media. So it makes sense that you were kind of just helping to get your feet wet. And I think this is a concept that almost like gets lost nowadays. So I just wanted to bring light to the conversation on like what your opinions are at this point in time when it comes to doing things for low pay, doing things. Lex: [00:06:09] For. Becky: [00:06:10] No pay, different things like that. Lex: [00:06:12] Totally. And this is something that sometimes I feel like I have a super unpopular opinion about. So if this is not the answer that you were expecting, but I feel like we walk such a crazy. In line of. We live in a world now where people expect to be paid to breathe. And we also live in a world where people are just trying to push a thousand courses. So it's like those two things make my answer to this question. I feel like very different. If somebody were to come to me and they were to say, What is the best way for me to get hands on experience? Having no portfolio, nothing to back it up, I would say offer to help somebody for free or for very low pay. And I feel like I usually get a ton of crap when I say something like that because everybody is like your skills deserve to be paid for and I don't disagree with that. Now where I'm at in my business, I would not really ever consider doing something for the prices that I did back then. Not because I think I'm better than that, but because I did that already. And I built my way up to having a portfolio and to having numbers to back things up. And it really is like even I have something called the Social Media Manager Survival Guide, which is a very, very, not coarse course. And I tell people all the time, I'm like, If you have never had any type of experience, I wouldn't even push somebody to buy that from me first. I would genuinely push for them to get hands on experience with an account or person that they trust and trust them, so that if it's inevitable that things are going to go wrong, like your first go around and stuff like this and not that I think you need to treat anybody or their business as a guinea pig, but getting that hands on experience is truly the only way for you to find out what you do like and what you don't like and how much time it takes you to do these things and what you feel is a fair price for the time and skills that you're putting into something like that. Lex: [00:08:18] So it's not that I want to tell everybody around the whole world, go do things for free and take on these low paying jobs. I don't that's not what I'm saying at all. Again, it's a very, very thin line that it's like, yes, I do believe that you deserve to be paid for your skills. But the way that I see it is it's almost like a job interview. So like if somebody were to invite you like a traditional corporate job setting, were to be like, hey, come interview with us like we want to sit down and talk to you. To me, that's like responding with, what are you going to pay me to come to this interview like? And it's such a weird stance to have on it. Like, I know that it's not very common. I'm sure that a lot of people wanted to hear Charge your work and don't charge those low prices, don't do the free jobs. But it's like to me that's the fastest ticket to having enough experience to charge expert level prices and again, very unpopular opinion. I hope that's not throwing you off. Becky: [00:09:14] No, I knew that's what you were going to say. I can. Okay, good. I completely agree with you, actually. And I think that I think that the important thing, though, is that when you are encouraging someone to go work somewhere or offer your services for free, it's because they don't have expertise. They don't have talent to be charging for yet. They have some knowledge whether they paid for that knowledge through a course or through an online training or a book or through own trial and error. But if you've never done social media for a business before, why should you get paid what an expert gets paid to do social media with when they can provide some level of guarantees because they know their numbers and they know what happens. So I completely agree with you if you so I'll use myself as an example. When I started my business, I started as a social media manager. I didn't know coaching existed. When I found coaching, I was like, Oh, this feels so much more me. I thought, I'm going to sound so obnoxious, but like I lowkey like to be front and center and I wasn't that as a social media manager. Lex: [00:10:24] But you're so behind the scenes. Those are two very drastic different situations. Yeah. Becky: [00:10:29] But so I had a background in social media. I ran social media for companies before, but even with that I still charge less like I think that my packages ranged from like 3 to 500 when I started and it was solely because. For one, when I quit my job that I did the most work for, I didn't think to pull all my documents, so I didn't have any proof that I had done all that I had done. But I know so painful. But for another thing, running somebody's social media when you're in the company and working for the company and running your own business is so different. So I didn't have the knowledge and experience to charge thousands of dollars from the start of my business now. And I think that's the biggest thing is like you're not telling somebody who has experience and has years and years of experience to go out and start from scratch. Because if you start a business, you're telling somebody that has no knowledge, no expertise, no experience to go build expertise, build experience before, you know, going into like starting to charge. And is that going to look like working more and like having a full time job on top of working for free? Yeah, but like, that's what you have to do sometimes. Lex: [00:11:42] If I could write, if I could go, well, first of all, what I want to say is I'm also not saying to do it forever. Like do it for like 30 days, like do it for a week. Ask somebody if you can make a week worth of content just to put into your portfolio, do passion projects. If you don't feel comfortable doing something for free, like no matter how you build your portfolio, there is a very, very strong chance that you're going to be doing it for free and not just is what it is, and it's not that it's free in the form that you're not getting anything back from it. You're just not being compensated with money, like you're being compensated with experience, with education. And something that I say that I don't hold this standard like to a tee, but it's if somebody one of the only things that I will not talk with somebody is how much my packages are because it's so different for everybody and the services that are offered, there's just no way to replicate what my packages are for somebody else. It just doesn't work that way even between my clients. Like what we do is so different. But very, very general rule of thumb that I usually tell people is you cannot charge more than you've invested into your business. So if you have never invested a single dollar into your business, you have no business charging expert level prices. So like, again, I don't mean that it needs to be held like, oh, I took a $500 master class so I can now charge $500, but it's like, what have you actually put in? To me, it's just very karmic. Like, it's very like what you put in, you're going to get back and it's you might be super scared to invest in like coaching or a course, like as much as I hate that word, but like. Lex: [00:13:24] Even no matter how you are getting this education, you have to be investing in yourself somewhere. And I think until you take that first leap into investing in yourself. You don't really have any business charging $1,000 for a minimum package. It just doesn't doesn't work like that. And if it did work like that, everybody would be doing it and. They aren't like as much as Tik-Tok makes it look like everybody is doing that. They're not like a lot of people are just like, I know this is the type of content I need to share. I know I need to share that, you know, X amount of clients will get you X amount of dollars per month, but that doesn't mean they're actually doing that. So I think that's something that's super important to keep in mind for anybody listening to this about this topic specifically is that. Just don't believe everything that you see all of the time, because you could be comparing yourself to a very false perception of somebody that doesn't exist. And what one person's financial freedom looks like is going to be totally different to yours. And it's like, I think we just get so stuck on like, that's what this person is doing. I have to do that. So again, ping pong ing in my brain with this topic, but there's so much that goes into it and it all just comes back. I'm not saying do something for free forever. Just get the experience that you need, the hands on work, and then move on and you can start charging. I completely I completely agree. Becky: [00:14:49] I think that for any kind of business that you want to start, if it's service based, the best way to start is if you want to be a social media manager or virtual assistant or something, a graphic designer or something in that realm. Go local like start local and reach out to people locally. Maybe you have a maybe you have friends that own small businesses, or maybe you have a favorite small business. Go to them and see if they're interested. And like, like I said, like, this isn't something that you're going to do forever. You're not going to do it for free forever. Maybe you offer if you want to, just for example, as a social media manager, if you just wanted some things to put on a portfolio, yeah, maybe you do a week, but maybe you do like a month trial period. And they sign a contract that says that if after the month they love working with you, they're going to hire you on at this rate. And then you can like maybe re discuss your rate in however many months, like pick the terms, but do something like that. And if you're, you know, if you're a coach, if you want to become a coach and you are you have the experience to back up becoming a coach or you have the certification to back up becoming a coach. Like that's very important, you guys, if you need it, you want to be a coach that requires a certification. Get the certification otherwise can be dangerous. But you've never actually coached somebody. Offer free coaching calls. I did so many. Yeah, go ahead. Lex: [00:16:12] Yeah. Not to cut you off, but it's like, what do you people think when they see, like beta groups from like coaching people? It's like that beta group is in there for either free or a discounted rate so that they can give feedback to the coach for moving forward when they start charging the full amount. And it's super common with like coaching group coaching programs or even solo coaching programs like I just see it a lot with groups. So that's what sticks out in my head. But it's like usually the way that people go about implementing a new program like that is to do some sort of test group. And it's like they're not making these people pay to be in a test group. Like it's just so it's so much more than just doing something for free. And I think that's what people like get stuck on. So you are saying use it a ton of coaching calls like. Becky: [00:17:05] Yes, I did. I used to do a ton of coaching calls for free and some turned into paid paid clients and some didn't. But I got testimonials out of it that I was able to use for a long time, and it does a lot for your business. It's very helpful. So it's just. Being OC with putting in the work necessary. I always say like, I hate hustle culture. I'm not about hustle culture, so I want to be very clear and like just made a face that shows that she agrees. I want to be very clear that neither of us are saying that this means hustling. It just means working hard like it is hard. You don't have to hustle, but it is hard work. So doing the hard work and it's going to benefit you in the long run like it really well. So doing the hard work in the forefront so that you have the testimonials, you have the feedback to charge what you want to charge in the future. Lex: [00:17:57] And it's funny that you said so you said this and I meant to respond to it right away, but I forgot. But you had said, Oh my gosh, why am I losing my train of thought? What did you say? Oh, totally losing my train of thought. I know there's something else, though, so I'll come back to that as soon as I remember it. But something else that you said was to start local and ask like your favorite businesses. And like I said, that's straight up how I was able to take my job full time. It's coming back to me if I could go back. So I came into this not I was in a very toxic job environment like full time corporate job that. I was very, very burnt out of that. When it did come time for me to take this business full time, I did not do it in the most strategic way. Like it literally looked like me deciding that the next week I was quitting my job and this business was going to work, whether it was currently working or not. If I could go back, I would have spent every free moment that I had while still working not 40 hour a week corporate job, working on this business and building it up as much as I possibly could until it got to the point that I had to choose, because it's not like I was booked up full time with clients. Lex: [00:19:14] Like I was almost there and I was almost working two full time jobs between the two. But when I gave up that full time corporate job, the way that I looked at it was at that point, any waking moment that I had was going back into this business. And within a month, like, I don't like to talk about timelines because truly the way that things happened for me was so weird and accelerated and crazy because I just I told everybody that I knew what I was doing and one thing led to the other. But yeah, it's very there's just so much that goes into it. Like, I seriously could talk about this forever, but like, if I could go back, one of the things that I would do was while still in the security of that full time job, building this up as much as I could, even if that meant like giving up Friday nights out with my friends or Sunday brunch, like truly, if I could go back, that would be the one thing that I would do different was to work harder on this while I still had the security of a full time job. However, if you do give up that full time job, you then have a ton of new time to invest into this business. So I think it's okay either way. It's just looking back, I maybe would have done it a little bit different. Becky: [00:20:30] Yeah, I think it is either way, but I come from a place where I actually got laid off from my job and that's when I started my business. It felt like the perfect time. I was selling my parents insurance so I could mooch a little bit and like for my business. And I had a couple thousand dollars saved up, so I was like, I'll be fine. It was the most stressful time of my life and I'm still low key, traumatized from it because I was so stressed out about like my parents had to help me for quite a long time and I'm so lucky and grateful that I had them to help me. But if it wasn't for them, I honestly would have been living in my car like I wouldn't have been able to survive for quite a while when I. Lex: [00:21:14] Started my business. Becky: [00:21:14] And it really did kind of, like I said, traumatized me. And to this day I have like issues around money and I can be fine and be making enough to support me and more then in my business and I will still panic. And that's really from an energetic standpoint in business it's like so not good and so not helpful. Lex: [00:21:34] So I'm the same exact way. I'm very, very money traumatized from growing up not to like dive into like childhood trauma or anything, but like growing up money was a very, very big conversation in my household and we were never struggling like we were not. I mean, we weren't like rich, but like we, we were never like wondering where our next meal would come from. So obviously, like, we were very lucky in that sense, but we never really had a reason to stress out about it. It was just the situation made it a very sensitive topic that to this day, like you said, my savings could be good. I'm fully stocked with clients. I have a bunch of other streams coming in and I still, like in the back of my head, am constantly stressing out about it and it's so draining. Becky: [00:22:23] Like it's so incredibly draining. So we're not saying this is scare you guys. Lex: [00:22:27] The no I see. Becky: [00:22:28] Where the point in saying this is that whatever situation you're in, like you will be able to make it work. If you want to start a business and you're so serious about it, like Lexi's somebody that started her business while still having a corporate job. And, you know, I'm somebody that started a business because that was the position I was in and I had got laid off. And that seemed like it was the right time to do it. Both worked out like we're good for her, but it was very stressful. So like my personal recommendation for people is like at the bare minimum, get a part time job when you start your business and you might think, but then I don't get to work on my business. 24 seven And the reality is you're not going to anyway, like you're just not going to anyway. So even if you have a couple of hundred bucks coming in a week on top of you building your business, it's going to be better than the pressure and stress of like, if I don't get a client this first month, I'm screwed. There's nothing worse than that feeling. Nothing worth. Lex: [00:23:22] And that's like you said, like, I swear, I'm not trying to scare anybody with this because my issues around money are very much rooted in things that have nothing to do with my business. But like you said, it's. If you I feel like when people put themselves in that situation where they have no other option, like I have to get this client or I'm not going to be able to pay my rent this month. Like, first of all, that's a horribly stressful situation to be in just as a whole. But that situation leads people into saying yes when they shouldn't. It leads people into being forced to take on these projects that might not be super aligned with them, but they're saying yes to clients just because they want to get that client in the way that I. Yeah. Is when you say no, all you're doing is leaving room for a new opportunity to present itself that is bigger and better. And it's I feel like so cliche to say that, but it really is true. And it's yeah, again, not to scare anybody, it's just you're going to encounter these things. You can be years into your business and you're still going to have these little stressors in the back of your head. I just feel like when you first start out, everything feels so detrimental. Like everything feels make or break, everything feels like life or death. And I don't want to say that feeling necessarily goes away, but like it, you definitely learn over time that like there are very, very few things that you could do to ruin your business. Do you know what I mean? Like, obviously not like very few, but like in the beginning there's very few mistakes that you can make that will be detrimental to the success of your business. There's not really mistakes that will ruin you right off the bat. Becky: [00:25:07] Yeah, exactly. I think that like I think this is such an important conversation. I don't think that it necessarily was the conversation either of us came into this morning intending on going down this route. But I think it's so important and it's something that, oh, my gosh, my dog's scratching herself in the background. It's so important. It's something that's been needed. And I'm glad we're having it because it's like, you know, everything's always so sunshine and rainbows about business. And I love keeping it real. And like, the reality is I can share like my own story on my podcast All I want, but like having this type of conversation is so powerful and it's like it's again, I know we keep saying we're not saying any of this to scare you, but it's and it's definitely true. But I think the biggest thing is like learning from what we went through and seeing like, okay, I if you resonate with maybe a period of our business that we were at in the past, knowing that it gets better, but also knowing that like these, I think that something that's so detrimental to aspiring entrepreneurs is seeing these like quote unquote success stories on TikTok and seeing people talk about how you can make so much money so fast in your business and then feeling bad about yourself when that's not you. It took me like two months to land my first client paying me $300 a month. My first high paying social media management client came like five months into my business and it was like 1500 dollars a month. And she took complete advantage of me and I was up at night crying every night, but scared to let her go because I was I know because I was finally making over a grand a month. And that's when she was my last client. Before I quit. Before I quit social media management and just went straight like solely into coaching. So, you know, but I'm here and I made it and it didn't ruin me. And I think that, that, that that's like the biggest lesson here. And knowing that. Lex: [00:27:02] You're not alone, like just knowing that, like, you're not alone, you are not the only person experiencing this. There are so many things that we, you know, and it's like at what point do you consider yourself like establish like I actually say that, but it's like there's no real true definition of that. But it's like if you you're not alone. Like you're never you're not. We're years into this and there's still, like, little struggles going on that I may have struggled with when I first started. So it's like, if this can just reach anybody who might be in those first few steps, it's like, I don't mean for you to find comfort in the fact, like, it's not ever going to go away, but like, you're not alone. You are not the only one dealing with this like imposter syndrome. Like as much as like I can speak for myself, I know probably for a lot of other people too. Like, I don't, I still question myself sometimes. Like, I still every single day I'll watch a video back and I'm like, do I post this? Like, is this dumb? Like, does this even make sense? And it's like, yes, I just am constantly filling my brain with other content that is so, so, so, so good that it's like, does mine compare? Like, is this good enough to be like rounded up with these other creators? So again, you're never alone anything that you think you're the only person in the world struggling with. You are not like promise. So and if you ever need anybody to talk about either of us are here always so seriously. Becky: [00:28:28] And I think the biggest thing also is like, you know, in some capacity you can take comfort in knowing that like no matter where you're at in your business, if you feel any of these things, like you're not alone and like we're here reassuring you of that. But you know, the other thing is knowing that like although it might never go away, it does get easier. And you you learn like I think one of the coolest things about entrepreneurship that I didn't know coming into it was how much you learn about yourself, how much you end up working on yourself, how much like mindset and like exploration and like almost like optimism. You, you experience and learn and bring into your life from becoming an. And you learn kind of how to cope with it. You learn how to turn the other way. You learn how to put your blinders on and just like look straight ahead and focus on yourself. And something I hear a lot of people talk about, especially, especially like my friends aren't in entrepreneurship. They talk about how toxic social media is. And of course there are toxic sections of social media. But I've gotten so good at paying attention solely to what I want to pay attention to that I don't like, I can't relate. Like I don't find social media to be toxic. There are I sometimes make it toxic by comparing myself to my friends, but other than that, like, like I social media uplifts me. Lex: [00:29:50] And so it's also like people who don't work like in entrepreneurship, I think, like when I hear somebody say that, I'm like, well, the algorithm brings you what you interact with. So it's like, are you like over here? Like, Wow, I really hate this person. Or like, wow, I really hate the way that this person's post makes me feel, but I'm going to like it anyway because it's on my home screen, like, or even I felt like there's a lot with my personal Instagrams. Like, I haven't been logged into my personal Instagram in almost two years. The last time I posted on there was December of 2020. Like, literally, that's just like I have no interest in being on there. Anybody who needed to come with me on this business journey is now on this account with me like, but that's how I felt on theirs. I would like scroll past these pictures and I'm like, I don't like you, like, I don't like who you are as a person, but I'm technically friends with you and I follow you and I see your picture. So I'm going to like it, but I don't like the way it makes me feel. And that to me was very toxic. But now, like you said, I'm way more conscious about who I let even show up on my screen, like who I follow. Like I no longer follow people just because I feel like I have to. So like you said, like, I cannot relate to feeling like it's very toxic, but it's because of who I have chosen to keep close. Becky: [00:31:07] Yeah. No, it's so true. And I love that you said that about like, what are you liking? Because if I come across, there are some business owners that I just don't jive with and I really honestly get very like like I just can't watch their stuff. But sometimes I'll like, I'll be like, maybe I'll watch because I get annoyed and I'm like, no. Like I literally tell TikTok, for example, I'm like, I'm not interested. Don't ever show me your content again. Lex: [00:31:32] That not interested by it on TikTok is my best friend. Becky: [00:31:35] Serves you so well like honor your energy and respect that space because that's like when you don't, that's where the toxicity seeps through. But like you, I think that to some capacity, no matter how hard things can sometimes feel as an entrepreneur, you become so self aware and so comfortable in yourself and who you are when you when you're an entrepreneur, not right away, but over time you do. And like those things are the best parts of entrepreneurship in my opinion. Not like how much money you make or like, you know, your follower count. It's like the growth that you have is yourself. Lex: [00:32:13] And it's insane. It's even down to like, like we were talking about this before we actually started recording was just like honoring your energy and like going like we are lucky that we're in a place that we can, like, honor. Like, is my brain in a functioning mood today or not? But it's also like we are a little bit too lucky sometimes and it's like even your growth, like with time management and like your organization skills, like everything, like I think about it very often. I'm like, I used to go to my corporate full time job for granted. My shifts there were only like 6 hours, but like I would go and for those 6 hours I was only focusing on that job like. And it's so crazy to me to think that because that's just not how I best operate. But I forced myself to be like that for so long that now I have the opportunity to learn a little bit more about myself. And if circadian rhythm and all of that is anything that anybody's ever interested in, I'll talk about it for literally ever, because I'm not one of those people that's meant to sleep for 8 hours and then function for 8 hours and then not work for 8 hours. That's just not how my brain works, and I would have never known that about myself or learned how to best cater to that without it like being like, Oh, I'm just not going to work today because I don't feel like it. Becky: [00:33:35] But or what about like the job that I used to have where I was running social media, always running their social media. My boss, like she didn't know anything about social media, but yet I still had to get everything approved by her. So I would have I would have days where I would be at work the whole day and just sit there and I wasn't allowed to like go on. So I wasn't allowed to do anything outside of quote unquote business. But I had nothing to do because I couldn't do anything until I got things approved. So I would just waste like, 8 hours of my life sitting around making. Shit pay. Waiting for my boss to approve something. And it's like, how much time you waste? Like, if you. And I'm not shitting on the corporate world because people that work at corporate and corporate like we need you guys to, but like people that like, like want to not like people that want to be entrepreneurs like. Go for it. Stop wasting your time and. Lex: [00:34:30] Not something else. You. I love that you just said that. Yes. Corporate workers like you people, you're a special kind of breed, too. And it doesn't have to be like. I feel like we live in such a world that it's like. Own your own business, be an entrepreneur. And if that's not you, that's okay. I love when the videos pop up on my feed that are like these corporate girlies just like crushing it. And they're like business suits and like, they're cute little slicked back buns, like going into their super aesthetic offices with all of their coworkers. And they're like, Look, I love when people are like, This is what I want. And I'm like, Good for you. Like, I love that. Like, you don't have to want to be a business owner. And like, obviously, if there's a chance, if you're here listening to this, you do. But it's like I hope that you do because you feel like that's what you're supposed to be doing, not because you you feel deep down that that's what you are meant to be doing, not because you feel pressured from outside sources that you have to be a business owner and you have to want to be an entrepreneur. I just love that you made that shout out to corporate people because truly, like, y'all are the MVP's because that's not me. Becky: [00:35:37] Yeah, yeah. I hate the content of, like, this is why you need to quit your job. And it's like, no, if you like not being an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur like it is definitely not for everyone. Lex: [00:35:47] Like, I know like you said, like this is why you need to quit your job. Like, is it like I don't think you need to like not everybody needs to be out here quitting their jobs. And it's like, again, like I just feel like there's such, like thin lines with all of this where it's like, I'm not saying stay at your corporate job just because you're comfortable there and you don't want to have to try to make it work. But what I am saying is like, if you like what you do, like, that's okay and like you're not. First of all, these corporate people that are working there, 9 to 5 probably work a lot less than we do. And it's like, that's fine. Like doing your thing, do whatever makes you happy. But if being deep down, if you don't feel that like burning passion to want to be a business owner or be an entrepreneur, like you don't have to. And I just feel like we live in such a world that it's like shoved down people's throats on social media that like, this is what you have to do to be successful. And it's like, no, I know a ton of people who don't own their own business and they are just as happy and successful, if not more happy and more successful than me. Becky: [00:36:45] So I can keep talking to you and we can keep going. But I think this episode's gotten pretty long. I don't remember when we started recording, but I think. Lex: [00:36:54] I was going to ask you how long like you wanted to make it because. Yeah. Becky: [00:36:58] Yeah, I'm like looking and I'm like, yeah, it's getting kind of long. So let's circle, let's not circle, let's like close it out. So to close out every episode, I give you the floor. If there's anything final you want to share or if you just want to like share how people can connect with you. I mean, everything will be linked in the show notes, but this is your time to share that. Lex: [00:37:19] Cool. Yeah. Well, I mean, the first thing I want to say is thank you for having this conversation with me. Literally every time we connect, like you said, I could talk to you for ever about this stuff because it is just like super rare that you find somebody with that same mentality and understands what I'm saying when I say that because I get so much crap for people just being like, stop telling people to do stuff for free. And I'm like, I'm not telling anybody to do anything for free. Like relax. So it's been super refreshing. It's always very refreshing to talk to you best. The best way that I can, like, close the store again is you're not ever alone. You are never, ever, ever suffering. You are never struggling. You are never experiencing something that nobody else is suffering, struggling or dealing with. Like somebody is always out there. And I don't want to say be vulnerable enough that you're willing to talk about that out loud. You don't have to always talk about your struggles. But again, find somebody that you trust, somebody that you know has a potential that they've been there before. Like there's always somebody and it's just about being open enough to find that somebody. And Becky obviously is an amazing person to turn to for a lot of that stuff. And if she is your coach and you're listening to this, you're so freaking lucky. But yeah, I think that's kind of if I could round out anything, it would be that as far as myself, like I said, my handle is at page media on Instagram and TikTok, which is pretty much the only places that I hang out. My website is page media dot com. Super irrelevant, but yeah, that's where to find me. That's everything about me. And again, thanks for having me. Becky: [00:38:57] Okay, let's be real to you guys. How amazing is she? Like, I just. I really loved recording this episode with her. Lexi's so much fun to talk to, and she has such great insight into, like, how to truly create a business from the ground up and the true expectations of it. Right. Because I think that in the time that we're in right now, there's a lot of I don't know, for lack of a better term, bullshit in the space of like how quickly you can grow. And like, yeah, there are amazing opportunities to grow quite quickly, but it is not a get rich quick scheme to start your own business. And I think that that's a really important point to make and to understand now I absolutely love this episode, but I want to get into sharing what I wanted to share with you guys. So, first of all, first and foremost, there's a. A lot of changes coming to my business. So I want to be completely transparent with you guys. Check in on the podcast every Monday because you know, there will be quite a few, at least for the next month. There will be an episode every day. I mean, I'm sorry, not every day, every week. But I'm not going to promise right now that you're going to have an episode every single week past the next month. I just want to be transparent with you guys, but I'm going to keep you up to date every step of the way. If you're not following me on Instagram, make sure to follow my personal account, which is linked in the show notes, but also the podcast account that if she did a podcast account, which I will also link in the show notes. Becky: [00:40:19] I will also let you know that it would mean the world to me if you sent me a DM telling me what you would like to learn from this podcast. What topics do you want to want me to share about and want me to speak on? That will be so helpful for me. So please, I would love it if you did that. Another reminder that before we get into the exciting new share new announcement, another reminder that if you enjoy this podcast and you love listening to it, share it on your Instagram stories, tag me in it, leave a review of the podcast, email me a screenshot of the podcast review. Email me a screenshot of the podcast review. Tag me on Instagram stories this week only I'm not going to enter you this week. Only if you leave a review. I'm going to repeat myself. If you leave a review of the podcast, ideally five stars, but if you leave a review of the podcast screenshot and send me an email so that I don't miss it because sometimes reviews don't show up right away. I'll leave my email in the show notes. And on top of that, if you share that, you're listening to the podcast, ideally with a screenshot of the episode, but not required. But you tag me whether it's both my podcast and person and business account or just my business account or just the podcast which whatever tag me about it. You will get a coffee on me this week. As like if every single one of you do it, you will all get a coffee on me. That's a huge that's a huge promise. Becky: [00:41:44] But we're doing it because it would mean the world to me and it would be so helpful to get more eyes and ears on the on the podcast. And then the last very exciting announcement is I have opened up a31 on one coaching spots at the time of recording I just announced yesterday. So I cannot say at the time of this going live how many spots will be left, but at the time recording all three spots are available. I have some people showing interest but the spots are still open. So if you are ready to get support in your business and completely transform your business and up level to five figure months in the next 3 to 6 months, this is the one I'm on coaching for. You go check out my Instagram post about it because they're freaking bomb and they'll give you a lot more information. But I'm also going to link the application in the show notes. And when you apply, once you apply, if I think you are a good fit, you're going to get an email where you will have two options. The one option would be to automatically pay and get yourself signed up and sign the contract. The other option is to get on a no pressure on demand sales call with me. Well, really sales conversation through Boxer, which is so much fun. I saw this idea and I was like, That's genius. I'm doing it. So those are the announcements. I cannot wait. I'm so excited. I hope you guys have an amazing, amazing rest of your week and I will see you next week on the If She Did It podcast.