[00:00:00] Welcome back to another episode of the If She Did It podcast, I am, as always, super excited to be here. Today’s episode is about how to guarantee a profitable first year in business. Now, what a good episode, right? Like, who doesn’t want to guarantee that another way other than everything I’m going […]

How to Guarantee A Profitable First Year in Business

January 24, 2022

[00:00:00] Hello. Hello, and welcome back to the If She Did It Podcast, I am super stoked for today’s episode, I mean, when am I not super stoked? I probably say that every single week, but we are taking it back to a really important concept with becoming an adaptable CEO. Which is your omnipresence. […]

How to Make Money From Having an Omnipresence

November 1, 2021

[00:00:00] Welcome to the If She Did It podcast, I’m your host Becky Feigin, a business coach for beginner online entrepreneurs. Consider this podcast your go-to guide for all things, scaling your business to your first 10K months. Get ready to be inspired through marketing, mindset, spirituality, and the stories of successful entrepreneurs. I’m so […]

Corporate Slump to Entrepreneur Dream

May 9, 2021

Are you starting a coaching business and feeling absolutely frazzled when it comes to optimizing your Instagram profile? I get it, this is where a lot of people get stuck. This is why a huge focus of my signature coaching program covers how to show up and attract dream clients using Instagram!  But, I don’t […]

Optimizing your Instagram for starting a coaching business

November 15, 2020