The Importance of Transparency in Business

[00:00:00] Welcome back to the If She Did It Podcast we’re in for a treat today, another really awesome episode we’re keeping on the topic of really being transparent, being real, being vulnerable, being open, and being honest in your business, which is such a freaking important topic. So I’m stoked to have another guest on to continue this conversation.

[00:00:18] But before we dive into this week’s episode, let me give you a little breakdown of what you need to know in the world of Becky Feigin coaching. So for those of you that have been around for a while or are new, something that I’ve been really pushing recently is the importance of building massive visibility and building more flow in your business by creating an omnipresence. And a lot of people say, well, well, they look at omnipresence and they think, Well, I need to have a massive audience to create an omnipresence or I have an omnipresence already. But the question is, do you have a successful and strategic omnipresence? Is your visibility benefiting you? I’m sorry for the noise in the background. If you could hear that we’re going to just like talk over it. And on top of all of that, you don’t need to be at any level to have an omnipresence. You can be just starting and have an omnipresence. I do think that there’s a level of needing some consistency first, so I love to consider Instagram as a home base start on one platform.

[00:01:14] Expand from there. But basically, the intention of omnipresence is to flood everyone back to your applications, to your sales pages, to your freebies so that we can bring more and more people into your community and make sales easier and easier for you. And this is something that I’m really passionate about.

[00:01:32] I have a background in journalism and I have a background in this. Like, I understand what it takes to have a presence amongst all platforms on the internet, and I want to help. You have that for yourself too without the overwhelm. It’s really, really important. And the step the first step to creating that is having a solid foundation within meaning having a marketing strategy that really works for you, that you understand what your marketing strategy even looks like. So I am hosting a masterclass called Make Instagram Your Side Chick because I think I’m funny where we’re going to create that marketing strategy for you that is unique to you.

[00:02:07] And then I’m going to teach you how to use that marketing strategy to have a simple omnipresence that does not lead to overwhelm. I’m really freaking excited about it. Also, when you grab a ticket to this master class, you’re also going to be entered to win one of three prizes, one of which is an opportunity to work with me. That is a $6000 value.

[00:02:26] So it’s a fucking no-brainer. If you think I’m cool at all and want to learn from me, I don’t know why you wouldn’t grab a ticket. The link to grab a ticket will be in the show notes, and because I love you, I’m going to also share a secret code with you to get $100 off because you’re the fucking bomb and I want you there. And hell yeah, let’s do it. So I hope to see you there. I hope to see you grab a ticket.

[00:02:51] You’re crazy, crazy not to do it. And you know, on top of that, I do have a mastermind that I’m going to be launching in December. Then I’m really fucking excited about not excited that I’m launching in December, but I’m excited about the mastermind and I hope to see you all in there because I cannot wait to serve the shit out of you.

[00:03:06] Y’all, I just have so much knowledge to share and I just can’t wait to share it. But anyway, this intro is getting really fucking long. As a reminder, share, screenshot this episode that you’re listening to it. Let us know and you might be entered. Well, you will be entered. You might win a coffee on me next week. So with that, let’s dive into this week’s episode. I’m really stoked about it, and I’ll see you on the other side.

[00:03:32] Welcome to the If She Did It podcast with your host, business coach, and business bestie Becky Feigin. This is your one-stop-shop for all things business growth, energetic alignment, strategy mindset, and a fun touch of spirituality. Nothing is off-limits here, and you’re bound to lead every single episode inspired, excited, and ready to take massive action in your business. This podcast was created to help create more badass female CEOs and help you see that business gets to be simple, strategic, and fun. Now let’s dive in.

[00:04:05] Welcome to the podcast, Amanda. I’m so excited to have you.

[00:04:09] Yes, I’m so excited to be here and just to chat with you today on some good, juicy stuff.

[00:04:14] Yeah, it’s going to be so much fun. So to get started, why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourself to everyone? Share who you are, what you do, how you got to where you are?

[00:04:24] Yeah, absolutely. So my name is Amanda Kolby and I am a business coach and also focus a lot on online education at this point in my business. So we have scaled at this point to seven figures, but you will hear in just a minute the short version of my story that you know, it’s it’s not all rainbows and butterflies takes a lot to get there, but we have and I’ve just been so blessed to be able to serve like hundreds and hundreds of clients and just a big part of my business and kind of my zone of genius is that strategic approach to coaching strategy with marketing and sales and kind of that backend.

[00:05:00] And helping you with that holistic approach to grow. And, you know, other than that, I would say in summary, like my part of my mission in the online education space is just educating women with the knowledge they need to build the business. While I am passionate about business, not just for that, but really to generate wealth and just to almost step into what I call like this unstoppable factor where, yes, the business is making money that helps you feel unstoppable. But as anyone who’s been in business for a hot second knows, it’s like just as much, if not more a personal development journey as it is business. And so I kind of try and meet those two together.

[00:05:44] So, yeah, so I guess where I started then, so I was in corporate, had just graduated college. Many of you may relate. I had gotten a corporate job and scaled very quickly was making six figures by twenty-four.

[00:05:57] And the reason this is relevant is because one day I had this aha moment and I was like, OK, so like, this is the quote-unquote American dream. Like, I just had this wake-up call where I was like, this, this can’t be it. This can’t be what I’m supposed to like. Work the rest of my life for which I feel like so many people can head nod to that feeling.

[00:06:18] So I did the drastic thing that I wouldn’t necessarily recommend be your path, but I quit my job. No clients, no business, not even an idea. And I moved to Thailand, sold everything I owned, and just did that because it was easy to afford life in Thailand, and I just wanted time to figure it out. So anyway, I stayed lost for a number of months, but eventually, I did kind of just pick and stick because what I referred to, I picked a design, learned it on YouTube was like, Cool, let’s give this a try. I booked out my design business and made over five k my first month and kept growing from there, and I didn’t intend to get into coaching, but kind of ended up then starting a coaching business because I realized while I love design, it was more the marketing and sales side that was my zone of genius and that I loved more. And then two years later, here we are. So fast forward, Spark Notes. We can dissect bits and pieces of that, but I always try and give just like the Spark Notes version.

[00:07:22] Here you go. I think in the conversation we’re going to have today, we will end up dissecting bits and pieces of it. So Amanda and I were trying to decide what we wanted to talk about before we started recording, and something that’s been very prevalent recently is just sharing, I guess, just honestly being more transparent and sharing kind of the journey to scaling your business, whether that’s scaling to your first six figures, multiple six figures and then for, Amanda, up to seven figures.

[00:07:55] So with that being said. Where like, when did it hit you that you were like, OK, I’m in a place where my business is like really scaling big time and shifts need to be made to essentially keep up with this.

[00:08:14] Hmm. Yeah, that’s a good question. I guess I would say so while my business. I mean, no one is an overnight success. Please, please, please know that. But my coaching business did scale very quickly. But what I like to tell people and then I can answer your question directly is you have to remember that I had a business before that. So I had a presence. I had momentum. All of those things, I wasn’t starting the coaching business from ground zero-day one.

[00:08:47] But then also before the design business, I actually built a personal brand. Unbeknown that that’s what I was doing for almost a year because when I moved abroad, I made a travel Instagram account and I was like, I didn’t know what I was building it for, but I just strategically was engaging every day and growing the account and producing content. And so I built up an audience that knew, like, and trusted me. And the reason that’s relevant is just that you see, Oh, she built a, you know, x amount of coaching business in two years. And it’s like, yes, but there’s also the underwater part of the iceberg there that helped me. You know, if you guys can’t see me, but air quotes here, like you, grow so quickly.

[00:09:31] So I always like making that preference here, too. But because I had had a lot of back story from the coaching business to answer your question, like my third month in business, I launched a group program, had a five-figure launch and things started picking up very quickly.

[00:09:49] It was also a month later that I joined like a high level mastermind to scale to multiple six figures. And I mean, this is my fourth month in business. We, you know, not even hitting six figures yet, but I kind of saw the potential in that group program I had, and I’d kind of felt like I felt I found my thing, you know, like everyone kind of knows when you’re just like, Oh, it’s clicking. But my business grew very quickly. We hit multiple six figures in 10 months, and while that sounds really sexy and fun, what followed that was a disaster. I mean, a beautiful disaster, I guess. But it took it was hard, mentally, emotionally, my team had to catch up. I made a lot of bad investments. It’s really hard to keep up with quick growth. And so while I wouldn’t redo it, I think that’s almost part of uncovering some of these like success stories that you hear.

[00:10:45] Mm hmm. Yeah. And I want to talk about that more. And before we get there, I want to like touch on what the kind of like the back story that you just shared before you answered my question because I love that you shared that. And I do think it’s so important something that I have to remind my clients of a lot.

[00:11:01] I have a lot of clients that follow my friends that have either nearly seven-figure businesses or have already built seven businesses. And they’ll send me my friend’s content like Why is this not my life? And I’m like, Well, let me remind you of their entire story that got them to where they are and the fact that you’re just in your second year of business and they’ve done X, Y Z and et cetera, et cetera.

[00:11:24] You know, like, we’re always comparing ourselves to people and we don’t know the entire story. We don’t know, like, there’s so much that goes into building a business quickly, but also a business taking time to build. Do you know what I mean? Like, people don’t even some people just don’t even see they’re like, Well, why didn’t I get to become an overnight success when, just like you said, there’s no such thing as overnight successes, it’s honestly just people not sharing the whole story.

[00:11:52] Yup. This is why I try to in conversations like this like and I know you do too. I love you for that because I know you’re always like a very honest and transparent person. But yeah, like one thing that just hit me too of this is because you hear especially coaches all the time say like, invest, invest, invest and don’t. And don’t get me wrong, I also agree with that. But that’s not why I’m saying this next part is, I will say one thing that contributed to my growth.

[00:12:22] Whether you want to consider the speed of it or not was I worked twenty four seven. I have no kids. I had no nine to five. I had already quit mine. For better or worse. So you have to take that to consideration. But also, I invested heavily. I didn’t have a ton of savings like I think I had, you know, maybe seven thousand, which isn’t nothing, you know, but I invested heavily into my business.

[00:12:50] And to be honest, I was able to do that because I was living in Southeast Asia, where my total cost of living was like eight hundred dollars a month. But I did that intentionally. Not everyone wants to do that. Not everyone can do that. But again, when you start looking at the whole picture, you realize it’s not right or wrong, but all these were contributing factors.

[00:13:11] Yeah, yeah, that’s so important. And I think that another thing like kind of. Oh, my gosh. Please hold I am freaking crazy, and when I say, please hold, I’m literally probably not even going to take this out of the pocket. So I’m just saying because my brain is like going a thousand miles a minute right now, and it’s totally fine.

[00:13:32] Anyway, I digress. So when it came to then scaling how you were saying that like you rapidly scaled and then you essentially hit a wall, I know we were talking before we started recording about how we both kind of build our businesses based on what we thought we had to do. Not necessarily. We wanted to do, would you say that that’s part of what led to that wall kind of being hit?

[00:13:59] Hmm. Good question. So I would say yes and no. So to reference for everyone listening to what Becky and I were talking about before. So like one thing I had been told and this was more at the beginning of the business before we’re talking about this wall being hit, I was told you have to book out your one on one before you do a group program or anything else. And I tried so hard to pick up my one on ones and I had some one-on-one clients. But a long story short, that was where the need for my group program came in for me and I decided to say, Screw it, I’m hearing my audience claim this is what they need.

[00:14:38] I’m not going to pick up my one on one, and that was the best decision I ever made because that program I launched is now my signature program. Next year will be a million-dollar program alone. So, you know, like, thank God, I didn’t listen to what I should do, but I would say that next year when we did scale really quickly, what did come into play of all those shoulds was, I thought, to scale it coaching business. You had to do high ticket and you had to do one-on-one coaching.

[00:15:07] And don’t get me wrong, I love the intimacy of one on one coaching. But to me, I really thrive in group settings. I thrive in the structure of those programs and where I want my business to go is more course creation, online education realm in some manners. And so I did struggle a lot with our growth, trying to figure out like, I don’t want to be on calls. Twenty four seven, I want to be able to go hiking and Machu Picchu on a regular basis, like without having to change my business and with a million one one calls like that structure of a business I couldn’t do.

[00:15:44] So it kind of coincided with that point where it was almost like this identity crisis where you’re like, maybe some of y’all can relate where you do have success and then you’re all of a sudden like Wait, why am I not happy? And it’s because you didn’t build it for yourself. You built it either keeping up with the Joneses or the way everyone else was building it. And so, yes, I did deal with that identity crisis last year. I guess if you want to put a label on it, yeah.

[00:16:11] So what do you think is the biggest misconception when it comes to hitting those dreamy numbers as marketing has made them become those six figures? Half a million the quarter, like all those numbers, like what do you feel like is the biggest misconception with that?

[00:16:36] Love this question. What I would say is that money doesn’t make you happy unless you’re already happy, so this was a lesson I learned the hard way because I’m a very I am a very money-motivated person. I’m a very goal-oriented person. So when I hit my first one hundred k month, which was before even my first year in business, so this was even early on, I have a picture even of my face, and it was just like, Oh my gosh, this happened.

[00:17:09] And at that point too, I thought it would change things like I looked up to all these other people in the industry and they just looked like they had it all together. And it was easy. And I kind of felt like there’d be no pressure like I wouldn’t be worried about money or paying for things. And it was a really hard awakening because money does not make you happy if you’re not already happy.

[00:17:32] I’m thankful I learned that lesson because the next milestones I kept hitting, I had worked on that money mindset and a more holistic approach to that. But one thing I’ve even talked about on my podcast this year is looking at your base level of happiness. I was in like Santorini this year, and while I did have fun, I, you know, after the first twenty-four hours of excitement, I kind of fell back to this base level of not being super happy with things. And it made me realize the same thing in business, just in travel, if you’re traveling like it’s your base level of happiness that you’ll always come down to no matter how many countries you visit or how much money you make.

[00:18:15] Yeah, that’s so important. I think that for me, something that I realize as well and like, I feel very similar to you about having group programs and prioritizing your time. And I just, like work better with some level of structure. And I found that for me, I got to a point where I was having consistent five-figure months and I was having the group programs. But I had so much free time that and I’m somebody that like if I don’t have enough structure, I’ll sit on the couch all day.

[00:18:49] I’m like, I can’t get myself to get in front of my computer. It’s such a problem. I always joke. I’m like, wow, I would be like so much further along in my business if I just got on my computer and like, did some work, I swear I do work, cause I swear, but just like I could do more.

[00:19:01] There’s an element that’s so interesting, and this just goes to show that businesses can run in so many different ways where some people can’t have too much free time or they, like, don’t know what to do with themselves. And there’s this it’s the same with like that driven marketing of like, do you want to have every day to yourself while still making money? And that’s I mean, I know that’s not what you do by any means. You just have a lot. You just have the free time to go, do what you want to do.

[00:19:32] But there is marketing out there where it’s like, Do you want to just like, make a lot of money and like have passive courses or group programs or whatever it is and like not really have a lot of work. And there is this like because of this marketing online, there’s this belief that that’s what means you made it like having as much free time as possible means you’ve made it. And it’s like. When did this become the thing, when did making as much money as possible and doing nothing become the thing to strive for?

[00:20:03] Yeah, that’s so true. And just a quick side note on that there is like no such thing as passive courses where you sit on the couch and it’s actually no work. Don’t get me wrong, I have stripe notifications come in sometimes while I’m sleeping. Yes, but there’s a lot of upkeep to funnels and things like that that you’re strategizing. So like, I just want to debunk that really fast.

[00:20:30] I totally agree. Like, I think as I was coming into this space, there was a lot of messaging surrounding like, I don’t even know, not the whole sitting on the beach thing, but just like, yeah, the goal was to do as least as possible and whatnot. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to work twenty-four, seven, but I’m also a person that, yeah, I just I genuinely wouldn’t be happy if I worked two hours a day. I just love working on projects and this and that, and there’s a balance, right? You need space. I took the opposite route of you and did overwork and burnout.

[00:21:07] But I’ll tell you what somehow, underworking can lead to burnout to somehow so.

[00:21:15] So here’s your message from the podcast Don’t underwork, don’t overwork. You have to just work the right amount of fine that

[00:21:21] You got to. You got to find what’s just right. It’s like Goldilocks and the three bears you got to find the right amount that’s going to keep you good. Yeah.

[00:21:30] What I want to echo that you brought up is that is just, I think, like success. And if you can take anything away from this podcast is just looking at what your version of success is, both the amount of money you’re making, the amount of time you’re working or not working, how you want the money to come in, right, like if you thrive with one on one coaching or if you’re not a coach, you know, whatever it is. That’s one question I work on a lot with my clients is I don’t want to help you just get to, I don’t know, 20 K months, 30 months, whatever it is, I want you to think about how you want the money to come in because that makes a big difference. I’d rather make, you know, 5k 10k less, but love the work I’m doing and the time dynamic I have than just have the money.

[00:22:18] Yeah, that’s such a good point. I even know like. You know, sometimes I think that we get so focused again on those numbers of like hitting those big months, but it’s like figuring out what do you want to do with the money once you have it? Because that’s another big thing that I find is people say they want this number and they pressure themselves to try and get there. And either they put so much pressure that they can’t get there or they are able to make it happen and then they feel stuck. They feel miserable. They feel not so great. And it’s like, OK, but why did you even want that number?

[00:22:54] You know, and even for me, I’m like, Yeah, it’d be fun. But even sometimes I’m like trying to learn a lot. I’m like, What would I do with this money? And I’m like trying to figure it out, and I’m like, I don’t know what the what. Do you know what I mean? So, you know, I’ve had a couple of clients that come to me and they’re like, Honestly, I just want five K months, like, I just want a sustainable business that makes me five months, and I’m happy with that. And that’s good enough for me.

[00:23:20] You know, so it’s I think it’s so important to also decide like. What’s going to make you like in terms of not saying money, I mean, money low key? I don’t know. Everyone says money can’t buy happiness like low key like I think it can a little bit because it lets you do things. So yeah, but you have to decide, like what amount of money is going to provide the life that you want to live because not everybody wants to live a fancy life. I mean, I do, but not everybody does.

[00:23:50] I’m like, Yes, I have my three houses picked out, literally.

[00:23:56] I can’t even.

[00:23:57] Know, but I do think it’s important because I’ve had some clients like that too. And I think there’s this almost I don’t know if stigma is the right word I’m looking for here, but in this space that you’re supposed to scale and I almost not that you need permission, want to like permission. Granted, like on this episode of that’s part of like what defining your success is if that’s what you want five k months. Well, guess what, one tomorrow you’re allowed to change your mind so you’re not stuck. And also to own that, that like own that so much. And it doesn’t matter. Like people are drawn to people that love what they do and own what they do in our confidence and what they do.

[00:24:38] You’re not seen as less than because you’re making five K months and that’s all you want to make. But if you’re sitting there and the way you show up is like, Oh, like, I only make five K months, then yeah, you’re going to be seen as that energy. But if you’re like, Nah, this is what I want, I don’t know what y’all are messing around, still figuring out what you want, but I’m happy over here. We’re going to be like, Oh, damn, you know?

[00:25:03] Exactly, exactly. Or even like that makes such a good point of just like owning whatever it is that you have like because I think as business coaches, especially people want to know, like how much money are you making? How did you make that money, especially if you’re claiming something like if you’re claiming that you can help somebody get to a certain point like you haven’t gotten there yet? But I remember, like in my first full year of business, I made like, I think it was like fifty-five thousand in my first full year. And I remember for like I had a couple of weeks where I was like, in total, like breakdown, like, I’m so pissed at myself.

[00:25:38] I can’t believe this. Like, how did I not hit six figures like everybody can do it and whatever, like just going down this rabbit hole. I was like, You know what? Screw that, like, I made fifty thousand on my own. And like a side note, you guys, I don’t talk about this that much. But when I was running, social media had a bourbon distillery after college. Even though I was, it was like literally a full-time job.

[00:25:59] I was running their social media. I was an intern. I was only getting paid ten dollars an hour. Like that, is it? And then I had a contract, a job for two months that paid me an absurd amount of money, but it was a contract that ended. So like to then my first full year of business to make fifty-five thousand like, that’s a hell of a lot more than I would have made if I stayed at, like not being respected at this bourbon distillery. And so when I realized that and I owned that and I talked about it, I got clients because they were like, This feels so much more like for them. They were looking for something that was more attainable and $100000 plus in a year felt scary to them. So it just goes to show that there are so many different kinds of people in the world that are looking for so many different kinds of things, and there’s no reason to be ashamed of not being. What you think you have to be because of a post you saw somewhere or something like that?

[00:26:55] Yeah. And I feel like almost this whole conversation in summary comes back to just owning you. Like, I don’t know, even if this sounds cliche like it comes back to just like owning you, owning what you want. Yes, of course. Learning what you need to learn. Get the support you need, blah blah. But like owning you, owning what you want and like that confidence in that which is hard.

[00:27:19] I know I’m just saying this and it’s like, OK, yeah, checkpoint, Amanda. I’ll put that on my to-do list for tomorrow. But I do think that so much of scaling or not scaling or just even sustainability in business beyond the team and systems, which of course, can help. But for this to actually be sustainable year after year after year, if you’re not happy if you are burned out or this or that doesn’t matter the team or systems, it won’t be sustainable because you won’t be able to keep it going. Does that make sense?

[00:27:54] Yeah, yeah, it’s so true. And even like, you know, I think another piece of scaling like, how did you? Because I know you made a comment about like your team and like when everything when you kind of started hitting that wall, like how did. That what did that look like for you, like dealing with the team while you were dealing with this like? Oh, what’s going on here, like, am I ever happy with everything?

[00:28:24] Mm hmm. So one thing that happened that that whole year, so this year we’re talking about is like twenty twenty. And it was at the beginning of the year that we hit like that first multi-six figures. And that wall kind of happened and we were like, Oh gosh, OK, what do we do? So so you can like, see a timeline here? So I had two people on my team at that time with a multi-six-figure business. All of a sudden, like very quickly and it was like, Oh, shoot, OK, we need to like build some infrastructure here, and I can’t be doing everything anymore. But one big issue was that I didn’t have a mentor that entire year.

[00:29:02] I actually had joined a mastermind and it was not a good situation. So I had no guidance. And I don’t say that just because I’m a coach. I truly look back on that year and really wish I’d had guidance because I was completely lost. Like I hired a bunch of team members and then they didn’t work out. And so then and for anyone that’s hired people, it doesn’t even matter if they’re good or not good. Like it takes time to train people on how you do things and to build out your processes for things.

[00:29:33] And so that was a huge pain point is, I not only did that once, but I’ve done that almost three or four times between now and that point. So almost three or four times in a year that because I had no guidance, I had to basically completely rebuild my business. And then also because all of last year or all of 2020, I guess I was trying to build like that high ticket coaching business, even though I knew it was what I wanted.

[00:30:00] Then when I finally realized and admitted that wasn’t what I wanted, it was like, OK, now we have to restructure the offers and the team and everything else. And so it’s not right or wrong. I truly believe, you know, things happen for a reason, and I’ve learned a lot from the experience. But for y’all listening, it’s just you don’t fully realize what those mistakes cost you in time and money, in emotional energy as you’re scaling to. So just building a team, takes patience. And I’m not a patient person. It’s not my best attribute. That’s such a good point.

[00:30:35] And I love that you. You said something about how like you had to like it took time to build your team. And there are things that people that didn’t work and stuff like that because I think that there are these perceptions that like when you need to be in a place where you are like, you need to be in a place where when you hire a team member, that’s like your lifelong team member or something like that. But it’s so difficult to identify what you need when you need it, how you need it, especially if you ever had a team member before. Like my first team member, I was kind of pushed into hiring somebody and I wasn’t ready and she was a great help. But it only lasted a couple of months because I was like, I can’t. I don’t even know why I have a team member right now. Like, I don’t feel like I need one. I’m also horrible at letting go of the reins, so I’m like, I’m just going to be faster if I do it on my own. So I’m going to do it on my own. Like, it’s like, Oh, it’s my horrible trait that I have. I refuse to. I’m just too fast and nobody’s fast enough for me, apparently.

[00:31:38] But you know, there’s so much like you’ve made it when you’ve had it, when you hire a team and then there’s like a judgment on yourself if like you hire a team member and it doesn’t go well or it’s not the right fit, but it’s like that’s completely normal, especially when I feel like the process. A lot of the time with hiring team members online for your online business is not even as intense as, hiring somebody at a company. So of course, it’s going to take a lot of like trial and error before you find the perfect fit.

[00:32:08] Yeah. And I have a pretty extensive hiring process now because of that. And one thing I’ve learned is unless you’re hiring for a very niche skillset personality really makes a bigger difference. And that’s not to say one personality is better than the others. It was me learning how I operate and how I need my team to operate and who those people needed to be for the team to work together in success.

[00:32:39] Like, the example I always give is I’m a very direct person. I move a million miles an hour. I typically have 50 projects going on at once. I’m also often in multiple time zones and I expect a lot from people. And if you can’t take like direct feedback and you can’t take initiative and like, bring me ideas, it just it’s not going to work on my team because I’m just a very direct person. And so anyway, I did have to learn that the hard way.

[00:33:06] But what as you were speaking, one other thing that came up for me is, I think in scaling, we’re so focused too on like, OK, hit the 10k meant to hit the blah blah blah came months in income or and then some people are like, OK, yes, but you know, I got to hire the team, too.

[00:33:20] And it’s like. Yes, but not only that, it’s like you have to learn how to lead a team like I woke up one day, it was like earlier this year and this year’s the year, we hit seven figures. And I was just like, I run a company like I have like 10 people on my team and like, like, they run the reins now and no one prepares you to run a company to lead these people. And it’s an actual skill set. You have to learn how to manage people and lead, and people often don’t take the time to do that. And so you’re just so focused on, well, what’s the next offer I’m going to launch to make more money? But if you don’t learn how to manage the team and the processes, you’re not going to be able to be sustainable either.

[00:34:05] Yeah, that is such an important point. I think that really at the end of the day, what people forget about when scaling, and I know that even I like forget about it. Sometimes it’s like there are there’s a lot that goes into scaling beyond just putting out an offer and making sales and signing clients, clients and sometimes like in your situation, you like it kind of just because you had a group program that you were launching that that got you there when like there was like, I feel like in some ways, like from what I know about your story, it’s almost like you just didn’t even see it coming as it happened so fast.

[00:34:41] It just kind of you was like, Holy shit. But like a lot of times, especially if you’re scaling a business a little bit slower, like you can see the process coming and oftentimes before you can, let’s say you hit your first six figures, oftentimes before you hit your next six figures or like before you hit half a million or whatever it is, there’s going to be a lull before you get there because you realize that there needs to be restructuring. That has to happen.

[00:35:07] You realize that maybe the way that you built your business isn’t the way you want to run your business long-term, and it’s not going to be sustainable for you. You realize like you need to create those structures like you were talking about. And I think that that’s something that people don’t fully realize is that lulls in business are normal, and it comes before often a big scale because you need to create the new things, create the structures to support the new things, to be able to bring that in.

[00:35:32] Yeah, make a quote about that for this episode because like people need to hear that, and also a point I’ve talked recently with my clients about is like, we are under this illusion that or disillusion that your business I know you’ll see me right now, but is supposed to have this like straight-up trajectory forever and ever. And like, y’all, can we please just like break this down now not only is like lulls normal but like maintaining can be a good thing.

[00:36:04] Like this is not a race in the first three years to like, just shoot up and shoot up and shoot up like most of us are building this and we forget it for like the rest of our lives. So if you could make half a million dollars every year for the rest of your life and then maybe some years make a little bit more. I’m not saying you need to dull your ambition, but, wouldn’t that be awesome right now like we are?

[00:36:25] So when you say that way, it’s like we are so hard on ourselves, and like even my like, I am my own worst critic. Like, I lose my shit on myself a lot with my business. I’m like, I should do this, I should do that. I should see this number, whatever. And I remember my first year in business. I’m at my parent’s house, looks at me and goes, Becky, when we were your age and my dad had like a decent job, especially for, I don’t know, the eighties nineties, whatever it was. And even so, my mom was like, when we were your age, like, if we wanted to buy something, we had to put it on a credit card like we couldn’t buy things outright like. And I do that sometimes because like, why the hell not, especially five zero percent interest credit cards. But she was like, we couldn’t like that was our only option. Like, we had debt. We had this, we had that.

[00:37:12] Like, it is normal to be in your twenties and to have debt like it is normal to be in your twenties and not have one hundred thousand in your savings account like these are normal things you have the rest of your life. And I think that’s such an important like, you make such a good point. That’s such an important thing to remember. And it’s all this rat race for what?

[00:37:32] Yeah, exactly. And don’t get me wrong, y’all. For those of you that don’t know me, I am the first to admit because it is the truth like I am that person. That race is towards milestones and I always want more. And so like, I get it. I’m not saying I’m perfect as I’m preaching all of this, but I will tell you, I have learned from hitting so many milestones and the emptiness that they can feel or even this year in my business like we did, hit the million-dollar mark as of total, right? Total income.

[00:38:03] But if you look at like the twenty twenty revenue just as the year to the twenty twenty one we have grown, but not like not 50 70 percent extensively like I feel like everyone thinks you do. We’ve done so many back-end projects. We. You have not launched a single new thing this entire year because I had personal stuff going on. So yeah, I think it’s like the whole picture you have to remember to look at.

[00:38:29] Yes, that’s so important. Ok, well, I feel like I can just keep talking about this. I know. But for the to respect everyone’s time, we will. We will. We’ll cut the conversation. But thank you so much for being here to talk about this. I really enjoyed this chat. Before we go, how can everybody connect with you?

[00:38:53] Yeah, absolutely. Easiest way is Instagram. It’s at AmandaKolby and that’s pretty much my name everywhere. So like my website, I have a podcast, a YouTube channel, but go to Instagram, you’ll find all the other things there and shoot me a DM of my love hearing from you guys to about this episode. Or just to say, Hey, so perfect.

[00:39:15] Well, thank you so much for being here today.

[00:39:17] Yeah, thanks for having me.

[00:39:19] The best right?

[00:39:20] Wasn’t that so fun? Ok, so I am going to link in the show notes the link to learn more about the Make Instagram Your Side Chick master class. If I didn’t convince you enough with the intro to this episode. I’m also going to drop the code to save you a hundred dollars. Hello, and I hope to see you there.

[00:39:45] You better freaking be there. There’s so much magic that’s going to happen. And if you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review. It would mean the world to me. The more reviews, the more ears we get into, the more lives we can change. And if you want a coffee on me next week, take a screenshot of this episode or don’t take a screenshot of it, but just tag me and Amanda on Instagram. Let us know that you listened to this episode and you’ll be entered to win. So with that, I will see you on next week’s episode of the If She Did It Podcast.

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