Building a Product Suite + Courses to Best Support Your Clients and Scale Your Business

[00:00:00] Welcome back to the If She Did It Podcast. In this week’s episode, we have Ariel Schiffer from Dream Pro Courses, and let me tell you, Ariel is so freaking cool and we had a really awesome conversation.

[00:00:14] So I’m so excited for you all to get to hear it and tune in. Before we dive in, I do want to share with you all I share this last week, but I’m so excited I have to share it again. The adaptable CEO mastermind is open for enrollment. Next week’s episode is actually going to dive a little bit deeper into the program and everything that you’re going to get from it. The transformation, all of that. So it’s going to be a really fun episode. It’s also going to open your eyes to what is possible once you have a really solid foundation set in your business.

[00:00:49] But for those of you that want twenty twenty-two to be the year that you really massively build visibility, you build out your omnipresence, you have a six-month partner in your business, helping you build out strategies, not just being told how to build out a strategy, and you’re trying to figure out how to apply it to your business, but actually getting help, having the strategies built out for you. That is all coming in this mastermind and it’s going to be phenomenal. There are only at the time of recording four spots still available. By the time that this is live, there will probably only be about two or three spots still available. So if you’re interested, you’re definitely going to want to head to the show notes. Click on the link for the application and in the application, there’s a link actually to a document with even more information about it. But to not take up too much time, let’s go ahead and dive into this week’s episode. I cannot wait for you all to hear it.

[00:01:41] Welcome to the If She Did It Podcast with your host, business coach, and business bestie Becky Feigin. This is your one-stop-shop for all things business growth, energetic alignment, strategy mindset, and a fun touch of spirituality. Nothing is off-limits here, and you’re bound to lead every single episode inspired, excited, and ready to take massive action in your business. This podcast was created to help create more badass female CEOs and help you see that business gets to be simple, strategic and fun. Now let’s dive in.

[00:02:14] Welcome to the podcast, Ariel. I’m so glad to have you.

[00:02:17] Yeah, so glad to be here.

[00:02:20] Yay. Ok, also totally ready to say excited and I said, Gladden said. And I don’t remember the last time I said I was glad about something, but I like, went with it.

[00:02:30] I’m excited and glad, too.

[00:02:33] That’s funny. Ok, so let’s dive in. I would love to start by you sharing your story with us, who you are, what you do, how you got to where you are, and we’ll go from there.

[00:02:44] Sure. So my name is Ariel. I’m the founder and CEO of Dream Pro. I can’t talk today, either. And my journey was a bit interesting. I spent about 10 years in the corporate world from grad school through basically just a couple of years ago, and I was primarily doing instructional design.

[00:03:09] So I was focusing on developing professional leadership development programs for Fortune 50 companies, non-profit organizations, private companies, all different types of industries. And I loved it. It was a lot of fun. It was definitely a creative, sort of a creative career path if you will, and it’s something that I guess I sort of fell into.

[00:03:33] I have a background in industrial-organizational psychology, which is essentially business psychology. And so one of the narrow focuses of that big, you know, sort of, you know, I guess expertise is learning and development. So I was doing that for quite some time. I had a blast, but I just came to the realization that there had to be more to life than what I was doing.

[00:03:59] I felt, especially in my last role, that I had, I just felt really unfulfilled in a lot of different areas of my life. I felt like I just didn’t want to live the normal like commute, do the nine to five. And it’s kind of funny because I work basically nine to five now. But you know, I’m in my sweatpants at home and I’m doing it on my own terms, which I think makes a difference.

[00:04:21] But you know, I just knew there had to be something else. So behind the scenes, I was helping people with their resumes, their careers. I was a career coach, sort of freelancing. And then when I got into this really weird industry, I was like, Wow, their coach is making like a shit ton of money. Like I was just, like, really thrown off by it.

[00:04:41] When I first, I was like, These people are just casually making like this much money doing this stuff, you know, like I, I started it just because it was a passion and it was something that I thought, you know, maybe, hopefully, it can replace my corporate income. But then it soon made me realize, Wow, there’s a lot of opportunities here. So.

[00:04:59] I ended up starting to do that, and I essentially bought a course and, you know, the first one I actually bought was amazing. I worked with that mentor for years. The second course that I bought was terrible. It was like I opened the course and I was just like, What the hell is going on? You know, I had this preconceived notion from like the one other course that I took that Oh wow, people in this industry know-how to create courses. This is so cool. And then this, like they hit me like a ton of bricks.

[00:05:30] I was like, That’s a lie. There’s a lot of people that really don’t, and I don’t think it was intentional. I don’t think people really want to put shit into the world. Do you know what I mean? Like, I think I think people just don’t know. They don’t know better, right? That’s a whole other line of expertise. So it just gave me an ah-ha moment.

[00:05:48] People really need to learn how to develop a curriculum and just learn how to create really cool learning experiences because education seems to be a huge foundation for so many people in this world. So I started to work on some course projects, sort of like behind the scenes, like a very low-key. And it just grew like wildfire. It was just referral after referral. Like, I wasn’t even really talking about it much and it blew up.

[00:06:14] And then eventually it just got to the point where I had to tell myself, like, what do I really want? And I knew that I wanted to head in this direction. It just felt really right for me, and I was like, You know what? I can’t I can’t do this alone. Like courses are a lot of work, and one person doing the entire thing is just too much. So that’s really long story. What led me to create my agency and really the things that I came across that made me pivot and end up where I am right now.

[00:06:44] Awesome. I love that. That’s it’s such it’s so cool when you essentially you found a gap in the market and you were like, Let me fill that like I have the skills to fill it. And that’s really that’s the best way to start a business, the way I see it.

[00:07:02] So with that, to kind of start the conversation, I want to hear from you like you said that you took this first course and you’re like, Oh, this is awesome. You have this belief of what every course will look like. When you open this next course, you’re like, Oh my gosh, what the hell is this? So with that, like what makes a good course? Like what? What do people not what, like coaches and entrepreneurs not think about when they’re creating courses that make or break it, whether they realize it or not?

[00:07:32] Ok. So without calling out, obviously this person? Well, actually, I really respect them in a lot of ways and like I’ve known, no hard feelings towards her. Just it was definitely a-ha moment for me. But the course that I got the first, like the first course I got that I loved what I loved about it was these things.

[00:07:50] It was super actionable. The lessons were short. It was in a very methodical order. It was as if she was thinking about my needs before I was. It was just enough information and it was really targeted course. Like I knew exactly what I was paying for and I got exactly that. I didn’t walk into the experience and then think, Oh, wait, this is a little bit different than what I was anticipating. And so and I want to talk about those things too, but I just want to kind of paint the picture for everybody. And then the other course that I bought it was she was great at selling, great marketer, great messaging her Instagram Stories. They got me like it was good. I wasn’t even expecting to, like, need to. And so when I did, what really made me like what made my first impression? Not that great as I got into the course like first impressions matter. You know, I’m all for four messy actions and like not needing all the bells and whistles all the time, like we don’t need to.

[00:08:47] It doesn’t have to be this high-production thing every single time you create a course. And I think it depends on where you’re at and who you’re selling to. But I go into the course portal and it’s just like not branded at all, actually. So in Kajabi, if you use the normal theme that they have, it has a logo of another company on it just to show you an example of what you can do with it. So if you’re in it has that logo like you’re not like, change it like it’s not a good idea to keep it on there.

[00:09:17] So I get into the portal, my great like, you know, it just it looked like it was literally thrown together overnight. And then when I opened the videos because I was like, All right, let me see the curriculum. Like, That’s why I’m here, you know what I mean? It’s not. It’s not just for the course portal, but the videos were 40 minutes long. It was just her talking to the camera. She was sitting there in a sports bra, messy hair. Her entire backdrop of the videos was just her mess and it was just so distracting. And the worst part about it was it seemed like there was no logical sense to the order that things were in. And it just seemed like a bunch of like like it was almost like her Instagram Stories that she was actually sharing, but just with more words.

[00:09:58] But like, there was no extra value, somehow, so it was just it was really a letdown, I couldn’t finish it and I was just like, I don’t have like eight hours to sit around and listen to her talk in her messy office and her sports bra. Like, I just can’t do it. So, you know, just to point out those two things, what I see just generally overall like outside of those two courses because now I’ve been in, I mean, I’m in courses every single day for different business owners. I’ve basically seen it all.

[00:10:28] And what I see that really sticks out to me are a couple of things one lack of onboarding when it comes to the program. So not only like the sale to them actually like getting into the course portal, but like once they’re in there, you can’t just like punch them in the face with the facts like you need to like, welcome them, tell them how to how to take the program, especially if you have a coaching component. Other stuff that goes like paint the picture for them and gives them expectations. We as adults don’t want to be led down this path of blindness where you’re taking us and also as part of adult psychology, we need to know what’s in it for me, why should I stick around and learn this right? I mean, obviously, these people bought this product and this course for the end transformation, but you need to give them a reason to stick around through the end to even get that transformation.

[00:11:17] So making sure that your onboarding within your program is set up. And then also, I think sometimes there’s just a natural tendency for us to give the world to everybody. So I know a shit ton about instructional design. And if I was to tell you everything about it right now, we would be here for days and you don’t need that. And honestly, your listeners don’t need that. Most people don’t need to know all the things that I know. So it’s really important to have discernment when it comes to what you’re teaching because they want the transformation they don’t want. You don’t want any less, right? So how do you really just simplify things and just give them what they need? You don’t have to try to overcompensate by giving so much information because the information is everywhere.

[00:12:00] It’s twenty twenty-one. It’s about to be twenty twenty-two. You can Google anything right? It’s not about the information, what you’re doing in a course. Most of the time is curating an experience for them. So that way they don’t have to seek information and then do the guesswork as to how they piece it together and actually implement it. So focus on that, not just more stuff in the course if that makes sense.

[00:12:21] Mm hmm. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I think it’s so important because I’ve even been there as well. We’re I’ll like purchase, of course, and I’ll go to consume it and I can’t like, I just can’t do it for one reason or another. I find something that a lot of coaches forget is that there are different types of learners. And so like what you said about just talking directly to like the camera with no other like no text, no nothing can be really hard for a lot of people. Yeah.

[00:12:52] And when it comes to different learners to like, I think a lot of times we like, we love to categorize ourselves, right? Like, like ENTP, I’m an enneagram 3, I’m a blah blah blah, whatever. But when it comes to learning styles like it actually likes, it can flex, right?

[00:13:07] And it could be a combination of things. And it could also depend on the situation. So it is really important to not just have videos that are just you talking to the camera if it’s something that’s actually going to be something that is relaying information or content, right? You know, in terms of an intro video, I think that’s so appropriate. I recommend it because you want people to connect with you. But when it comes to actually give people the information, just think about different ways, but also look at it from an inclusive standpoint.

[00:13:36] There are people that have hearing impairments. There are people you know, have visual impairments, you know. So it’s like the more opportunity you have for people to digest content in different ways, the more you’re also able to make a program really accessible for people and meet them where they’re at because that’s really the goal with a course, is to meet people where they’re at. Because if you think about it, a course is a learning experience, and a learning experience means that a person is jumping into something that they have never done before or heard of before, learned before.

[00:14:07] And that just creates discomfort. And we as humans, love to be comfortable. It’s like literally what our bodies designed to do is like, keep us comfortable, right? So if people are already in this uncomfortable state of mind, you not being mindful of that and making it more difficult for them to receive the information creates a block for them to actually get the end result.

[00:14:27] So it’s like meeting people where they’re at. If your ideal client is a busy mom, like don’t create 50-minute videos of you talking to the camera or, you know, like think about alternative ways as well for consumption. I have a client right now who said most of her clients consume mostly audio. She has a private podcast feed for her course, which I love. But it’s, you know, I would also caution against doing that solely because that’s great for a lot of people and it’s good for re digesting information playing back some stuff or maybe even listening to it once before seeing things visually or doing stuff, but you need to think about how people are interacting with the content and then what they’re supposed to do with it, and that also depends on the purpose of your program and all that.

[00:15:14] Yeah, such good points. Ok, so with all that being said, how what somebody has created, like, let’s say they have one course and they’ve been selling that course and they’re ready to build out a product suite if they just don’t even know where to begin when it comes to building that out, what’s a good starting point for that?

[00:15:38] Hmm. So I would start with what you have, right? Why is it working? Why isn’t it working and think about around that right? What needs to happen before they get to that point? Or what needs to happen after they get done with that right?

[00:15:55] The best thing that you can do is talk to the people you want to serve. Like, I think something that I see a lot of people that naturally are just not as like, OK, I’ll put it to you this way. I’m very introverted. I like having my own time. I don’t like talking to so many people at once. Like, I’m very like, I don’t know if it’s like only child thing too, but I’m very introverted. If I don’t have to talk to somebody I won’t like, it’s great, you know?

[00:16:25] And me getting out of my way to talk to people, sometimes a little bit difficult for me. So something that I did at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey is I made a lot of assumptions, acted on those assumptions, but never actually took the time to say, like, Is this actually what people want, or is this just what I’m assuming in my own head? And so I think a lot of people do that. I think they have this idea. They think it’s great, they have a lot of emotion behind it, which is awesome.

[00:16:49] I think you should when you have a good idea, but take the time to actually like, validate to the people that you actually want to serve. Find this offer to be valuable. Is it are you thinking about creating it in a modality that that type of person would actually want? Some people think to themselves, Oh, I want to create a course. I want to self-lead course.

[00:17:07] So I’m just going to do this topic because I know it’s something that I want to do. Well, do people actually want to consume that content in that way? Or would that be better suited for another type of format, right? So talk to the people you want to serve like people love giving their opinion, especially when you reach out in your personal about it. Like, I’ve never met anybody. That’s like, No, I tell you what, I think like we like some people wait for the invitation, but I think people love to say what they think.

[00:17:35] So it’s like, use that to your advantage. And I think that’s something that you should see every single like on a regular basis. We recently redid all of our packages and pricing, and I had tons of conversations with people. And it wasn’t because I don’t know my ideal client. I’ve worked with over 50 or 60 business owners, maybe even more than that by now in regards to doing free services. But I still don’t assume that I know everything.

[00:18:02] I’m always reaching out to the people that haven’t booked with me because I wanted to know why I’m reaching out to the people that I haven’t worked with because I want to see what they need, right? And so that’s helped me also get just a better frame of mind because your industry likely is always changing, too. So it’s just important to always stay on top of that. So I would say look at the things that can be done before that course that they’ve done after that course, as it relates to the journey that that person will be on and talk to, people have some conversations because the best ideas inspiration to.

[00:18:35] Yeah, that’s such a good point. I think a lot of times like I know that I see a lot, people come up with ideas and I’ve even fallen into this trap in the past where you come up with an idea, you get so excited about it and you just create it without validating it. And I think I also see a lot of the time there’s some marketing online around the idea that you don’t need to validate your ideas if you have the idea that’s enough and you’re the expert, blah blah blah, right? And I really think that that’s super ignorant for lack of, yeah, weird.

[00:19:11] You could be the smartest person in the world. But at the same time, if you don’t understand how other people think or if, like, your idea can be amazing. But if you’re not able to replicate that in the right way to the person that you actually want to help, they’re not going to be able to see that. So it could be the offer could be the messaging. But like, it doesn’t matter how smart you are, how good you are, or what you do. If you are really good at what you do, you’ll talk to people about what it is.

[00:19:39] Yeah, exactly. And it’s like if you get, you know, the other great thing is like people come up with all these reasons and I agree with you, the word is ignorant. If you’re if somebody is telling you that you shouldn’t be getting people’s feedback before going and creating something, but people come up with all these reasons why you don’t need to talk to someone. And I have to say I’m the I have the worst anxiety when it comes to talking to people like when especially like I remember, I was in a coaching program when I first started my business and I was told, you need to get on. I think it was like at least five market research calls a week to like, talk to people, get like, hear from them, whatever. And I did it.

[00:20:18] But before I would call, my palms were sweating my armpit like I’m sweating through my shirt. Like I would get so stressed out about getting on calls with people, but it felt like you said it validates what you’re wanting to create. And that’s such an important piece of the process. Like, I came up with this idea that I’m really excited about the other day, but I was like, you know, just because I’m excited about it doesn’t mean that everyone else is going to be excited about it. And before I create it, let me make sure there’s a need for it before I spend all this time building something out, right? That’s something I think a lot of people forget. They spent all this time building something out sometimes and then. What happens to it?

[00:20:56] Like, you know? Well, and I think, too, it’s not about a lack of trusting yourself, right? I think it’s really important for you to trust yourself but have discernment when it comes to like the like. So for instance, when I had all those market research calls, to be honest, I could have done a better job of saying who I wanted to speak to. But at the end of the day, I’m actually glad that it worked out the way that I was.

[00:21:17] I ended up identifying actually a core audience group that I do not serve, and I’m like, Oh shit, like this is great. But what I found was I was talking to people that were making like, I asked some just some questions to see where they were at in business. And I know my ideal client for our free services. They’re usually making like twenty twenty-five K minimum right minimum. But I work with a lot of people that have multi-million dollar businesses.

[00:21:45] Our services are not cheap, but I was talking to a lot of people that were making below that threshold, and not that that means anything about them at all. But you know, at that point, it’s like, are they really going to spend this much on our service? Probably not just not a good, but talking to them. I’ve realized, well, one, they were like, Yeah, the price is like, really expensive.

[00:22:08] But when I would talk to people who were in my ideal client, they were like, Oh yeah, pricing is on point. Like could probably be higher, but right, so it’s like also identify to like, who are you talking to? And like, like, take it with a grain of salt, right? Like look at the full picture of like, don’t just think like, Oh man, she said. My prices are too high because if I did that, I’m not really looking at like, well, she’s not the best fit for this anyways yet. So it makes sense.

[00:22:33] But that also helped me identify wait a minute, she’s not ready for that. So now I kind of understand what her budget is, what she really wants out of this experience. How can I create something that makes sense for this person that I wasn’t previously serving?

[00:22:47] So all that to say is like, you know, trust yourself, right? Trust yourself when it comes to your idea, and it doesn’t mean that you need to get everybody’s approval before signing off. But at the end of the day, like you’re creating something because you want to sell it, you’re creating something because you want people to actually use it. So, you know, make sure that there’s somebody there who will buy it and who will use it. That’s basically, yeah, that’s yeah, the brand.

[00:23:12] It’s so true, though, and you know, I know this is kind of like a rant off of our whole conversation, but I think it’s an important one because, you know, the other benefit beyond getting like the clarity that, yes, this is something that’s needed. You can have people that are interested and ready to buy from you before it’s even been created.

[00:23:35] Like, I have multiple people with this idea that I have said to me, like, Tell me what? It’s ready like I’m in as soon as I know versus if I didn’t talk to people about it, I would be clueless. Going into putting it out there is about around if anybody was actually going to buy it, and I would have no idea where the sales were going to come from. So it does so much for you and like you said, it helps you even with the idea of building out an entire product suite because you get ideas for maybe the step you need before or for the client that’s not ready to buy your full-on service or whatever it is. I think there’s just so much that comes with just having some conversations.

[00:24:19] Yeah, yeah. I mean, I’ve never felt like it was a waste because I’m always just I think especially like my whole background is in human behavior. So I’m always just interested in studying people in a way and just like understanding them. But it’s like if anything to it just makes you really clear on like, OK, is this person ideal? Why am I not? You know, it helps you like better narrow down the people that you want to talk to and also to see to. There’s a difference between speaking to your audience and speaking to your ideal client because your ideal client isn’t necessarily in your audience.

[00:24:51] Or maybe there’s not a huge percentage of them in there, or maybe they’re not responding. I’m sure we can go off about all that stuff, too, but you know, it’s like pay attention to all of the circumstances and look at it like it’s almost like a science experiment in a way, right? Like, you need to know all the information and all the facts before you can draw your conclusion.

[00:25:11] Yeah, absolutely. Ok, so something else I think would be cool to hear from you is when it comes to using your product suite to scale your business. What does that look like? Because I think that sometimes people have a hard time envisioning how all the pieces come together and how they can actually utilize creating a product suite to scale their business.

[00:25:39] Yeah. Well, the first thing to think about is what does scaling actually means to you? Because I think that word is thrown around a lot and like really, when I think of scaling, I think of it’s using the base foundation. Or one hundred explaining it, right, like, can you multiply and duplicate what you’ve already have set up? That’s right, that’s like really maximizing it.

[00:26:04] So if you were in the product suite development phase, if you’re trying to think through your offers, first think about, what is scalability means to you and what does? Because it looks different for everybody. It depends on what service you provide. It depends on what you do. And it depends too on like the role that you really want to play because it, you know, when I think about, for instance, my business, I was, you know, solopreneur doing all the things I told myself. I said by twenty twenty-two, I want to remove myself out of the actual course creation process, which at first I was like, This is crazy. Like, like, how are you going to do that? But I have a very confident group of people that help me do this. But it took time and it took really figuring out, what scalability means to me. How many people do I actually want to serve? Do I have the infrastructure to do? And is this something that I want to do? I think there’s also a lot of pressure in this industry to like scale and grow and make a shit ton of money.

[00:27:06] But like that isn’t necessarily sometimes the end goal. At the end of the day, some people just want a little bit more income freedom. Some people just want more time freedom. Some people like it just depends on what really feels like your ultimate goal is. And so build a product. And structure your time around the way that you want to spend it because if you get into this hole of feeling like you need to do all the things and then one day you’ll just finally be able to relax. Will you ever relax? No.

[00:27:35] You’re always going to be doing the things. And you know, it’s funny. I actually think about my mentor that I was with for years. She is a really good example of scaling a product suite in the way that she wanted to. So she always preached like having being in alignment and just like having the space and like having a lot of just time in her calendar, in her life to like spend time with her family. And this and that. And she’s always made decisions based on that. And that has helped her so much, and it’s helped her think through her offers.

[00:28:06] It’s helped her think through the way that she wants to interact with that. So it’s like, think about your life first and then think about the offer and how do you bridge that gap? Because if you just start creating all the things, then you get into this whole like one, is it really going to be scalable? But also like, why are you doing this? Like, what’s the point?

[00:28:26] I also think to when it comes to scalability, is like narrowing your focus like you can’t. It’s very hard to scale multiple things at the same time, especially if you don’t have a lot of help or if you don’t have a lot depending on your brand, right? Like certain things work for certain people, depending on where they’re at their audience, all those, all those factors. And so it’s like, you know, simplify. Like, it doesn’t have to be complicated. A lot of people scale one offer. I’ve seen it happen multiple times. I create courses for people where they’re like, This is it. This is the one thing, and they love it, you know? And so I think it’s like, you know, it could be it doesn’t have to be difficult. It could be simple. But if you do want to have multiple offers, just think about what scalability looks like to you.

[00:29:10] Hmm. Mm hmm. I love that. I think that’s something that so many people don’t think about, and I love what you said about, like, some people want to make a shit ton of money and some just want like a little bit more like freedom. And that’s such a good point because there really is so much like I just feel like there’s so much pressure online to reach so many huge milestones so quickly and it doesn’t serve everybody.

[00:29:33] Yeah, there’s no race. And honestly, if you’re just trying to keep up with people, it’s going to set you back way further than you want to be. Like what? Like, think about like, what is your mission like? What do you really want to achieve? Like what do you want to do in your own personal life? What kind of impact do you want to have on other people and really look at it individualistically?

[00:29:52] Like, don’t look at all the shit around us because there are people that really want like the big, shiny things, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But like if you don’t like that stuff or if that’s not really appealing to you, then why are you trying to get that? You know, like, you don’t win that way. So you’ll have much, much more peace of mind knowing that you built your business in the way you wanted to and the time you wanted to doing the things that really light you up.

[00:30:15] It’s so true, and I have to say I wish that I heard people saying that when I first started my business, I mean, I love my business and I and I do have big goals. But I think that you know, especially a couple of years ago, it was even more of a rat race in some ways than it is now, because at least now there’s messaging around like it’s OK to not want to hit these crazy numbers so quickly and all that kind of stuff.

[00:30:39] So there is so fucking burnout because we were just in covid. We’re stuck in our houses just like building our business and then we’re like, You know what? I’m fucking tired like, this shit is exhausting. Like, You know what? Like that goal? That’s good for next year. I can’t deal with this shit right now.

[00:30:53] I mean, I think a lot of people said that I’m not even kidding. I think, like, it’s just like, it’s just too much, you know, I think anything honestly to like, be careful what you consume. Like, I’ve been trying to be really mindful of it. And like, every day, I just keep removing followers or muting people and like, it’s not because I don’t like these people or whatever, but it’s like, I really need to pay attention to what I consume because it definitely has a bearing on my mental health. The way that I show up in my business, the way that I show up in my personal life. And I think it’s really important to just like, recognize too when that starts to dictate your decisions on like what you do.

[00:31:29] Mm hmm. I completely agree. It’s amazing what too much consumption can do for you or do to you, I guess. Yeah.

[00:31:39] And it’s just it’s so bizarre. It was I was thinking about this the other day. Like, sometimes I get I don’t know if you feel the same like you just get in these traps of like thinking about the world in a different way and it, like really bugs you out. And so I was just thinking about the fact that like, you know, like, let’s say, like 30 years ago, like when people had like, you know, people are starting their businesses, like, not a lot of online businesses I was doing at that point in the nineties, but like, you know, like people are running their businesses, they’re their mom and pop businesses.

[00:32:08] They’re like minding their own business and like doing their thing. And it was very like like these days, like marketing and stuff like, it’s so intrusive like you’re just like constantly on and like looking at what other people do. And it’s fucking weird if you think about it like people. Do not have to deal with this shit, like years ago, I was even talking to one of my father’s best friends, and he owns a framing shop in the middle of New York, and he like frames, artwork, photos, that type of thing.

[00:32:37] And so I was hanging out. He came to visit and one of my friends was over and she’s like a marketing specialist or whatever. And so he’s like, explain to me what you do. And it was just funny because like, he’s a business owner, so he knows what marketing is, but he was just trying to like grasp what she does. And he’s like, Man, I don’t know. We just have like the same… They just do business differently.

[00:32:56] And so I think sometimes it’s just good to like, laugh at the fact that like our industry is so fucking weird and crazy, like like, it’s so bizarre. Like you just like today, I posted on my stories that like, Oh, I got a facial today and I did all these things, and I’m just like, This was so weird when you think about it, like, who the fuck cares, you know, like, it really is.

[00:33:15] It really is. And I agree. Like, it’s so important to sometimes like, laugh about it and realize that because we’re again, we’re so hard on ourselves when we put this…

[00:33:24] Don’t take yourself too seriously.

[00:33:26] Yeah, that’s really what it comes down to. Like we have this crazy perception of the world. And it’s like. We get to get a little chill pill, a little chill pill.

[00:33:37] You know, it’s humbling, like hang out with your friends that have no idea what the fuck you do. I went to dinner the other night with two friends that don’t even own an Instagram account. They’re like, they’re just out like being normal people if you will. I’m putting up my air quotes for those who can’t see me, but it’s just like it was so nice to like. Like, they have no idea what the hell I do.

[00:33:57] And it was just nice to have normal conversations. I feel like especially with COVID and the pandemic and everything like that, we have been so focused on work. So we’re always talking to people that like, no our industry or no our work and this and that. And so it was just refreshing to like, I don’t know, and I think everybody just needs to to be a little bit more grounded and like again, not take ourselves too seriously, but like, look at the bigger picture too and what you really want and the kinds of relationships you want to have and all that.

[00:34:24] It’s just I agree it all goes into it. Absolutely. Ok, so I could continue to ask you questions, but for the sake of time to wrap things up, how can everybody find you?

[00:34:39] Yeah. So you can find me everywhere, you know? So I have on Instagram Dream pro courses, dream pro courses. That’s our website. We just got it done. So like, look at it because it’s beautiful and I have my own podcast, the Dreamers launch podcast, which Becky was on. So our episode is going to air pretty soon. And I would say, Yeah, start there.

[00:35:00] Awesome. Awesome. Amazing. Well, everybody. Go connect with Ariel again. Thank you so much for being here today.

[00:35:07] Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.

[00:35:10] Ok. Also, I hope you enjoyed this week’s episode. Head to the links in the show notes to connect with Ariel, as well as to apply to the Adaptable CEO mastermind and learn more about that. There are also some links for freebies. 
For those of you who are beginners listening to this episode, there’s a freebie for you, as well as those of you that are more advanced, so go check all of that out in the show notes.

[00:35:36] And if you enjoyed this week’s episode and you love this podcast, it would mean the world to me if you would leave the podcast a review. Screenshot this episode Share it on your Instagram Stories! Tag us to let us know you’re listening, and I’ll catch you next week on the If She Did It Podcast.

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