In this week’s episode Becky talks with business coach Kate Perkvoic about her experience scaling her business quickly (hitting an $100k cash month in her first year of business) and what that mental and emotional toll looked like.

What Scaling Quickly in Business Really Looks Like

June 14, 2021

In this week’s episode, Becky walks you through some of the biggest lessons she learned in her first year of business.

Lessons From My First Year In Business

June 7, 2021

[00:00:00] Oh, my goodness. Welcome to this week’s episode of the If She Did It Podcast. I am so insanely excited for this week’s guest. You guys, I have loved Jamie King since I started my business, I swear. And I decided to ask her if she’d be on my podcast and she said yes. […]

Creating an Alter Ego for Your Business

May 10, 2021

Starting a business is hard. Starting an online business is even hard. Starting a coaching business when you have no background in business and/or marketing is the my opinion. So, whenever I see the question: “Do I need a business coach when starting a coaching business?” I truly want to cry. Why? Because in […]

Do you need a business coach when starting a coaching business?

November 15, 2020

Do I need to hire a business when starting a coaching business???I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard this question. People want to start businesses, but they don’t want to have any upfront costs and unfortunately, that’s just not realistic.  Starting a coaching business (or any business tbh) takes spending money:Investing in a […]

Should you hire a lawyer when starting a coaching business?

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November 15, 2020

Have you seen all of these online entrepreneurs making bank doing what they love and wishing that could be you too?Are you wondering what starting a coaching business truly entails? Two years ago when I started my coaching business, I felt the same way. I scrounged the internet looking for guides on starting a coaching business, […]

Starting a Coaching Business: Everything You Should Know

starting a coaching business blog post banner

November 15, 2020